Jailtime for Reriana!
*Reriana stares at the wall as she bounces a tree-rubber ball against the wall over and over, written in blood on the wall in a 9 inch by 9 inch cell, in the middle cell should a barracks guard see it"
"Day one, a stupid Sunite pissed me off today, saying shite like "I can't hit a girl" and I clocked him right in the face for it. Got arrested, only to have a dumb Lathanderite blonde tryin to tell me to be all goody goodie."
every now and then, laughter could be heard from down the hall, not so much one of utter madness (though subtle undertones), more of one enjoying themselves if anything
Given a ball of yarn by some point by Rain, then after spending two days without any visitors, Reri smiles as she sees Rain again, showing her the knitted blanket she made about two feet squared in size. Reri decides to lock herself up once more until she completes a full sized blanket, giggling happily. Asking for more yarn, with it put just out of reach, Reri mutters and curses under her breath utnil hours later she uses some straw from her bed to pluck at the thread and slowly draw it in, then watches the ball unwind until the full thing is finally in her possession and gets to work one extending her project
The Rosey Knight has asked for leniency. Privately, he tells the officials that the girl is troubled and getting some bad advice from Banites, which has clearly precipitated the recent out burst. He hold no ill will against her, only against those that seem to corrupt her.
//Warning: F word and B word
::Rith has been sighted entering the barracks to talk with Reriana. Noises of strong discussion and metal rattling were heard before Rain stepped in to stop it, and the Lathanderite priestess left as the elf gave her one last yell::
Fuck off, bitch!