Roisian McGovern
It was the feeling of the rain on her face… that's how she knew she was free of him, of that place, and that she was never ever going back. A new freedom to choose who to be with, who to show affection to, who to touch, smile at and flirt with...
A former courtesan knows a thing or two about how to dance, to sing, to entertain with conversation, but a slave has to use her wits about her, has to learn on her feet, has to understand that though it's a gilded cage, she can take the bars and exchange them for clothes, food and in this case, freedom. The cleverness was inherent, it came from living on the streets of Waterdeep as an orphaned pauper. It was her red hair that got her into trouble, and her dimpled smile that often got her out of it. There was one pocked though, where that smile didn't lead to her release.
There were other slaves that she met through her travels, many that she loved, and masters, also many that she loved: she was known for her skills in the bedroom, and her ability to find beauty in even the ugliest man or woman. What she loved more than anything though, was freedom...
The last one who owned her left her smooth skin bruised and her long red hair tangled, cerulean eyes wet as she held the pillow over his head as he slept. She had to get out of there, at all costs, it was a matter of life and death. When he was still again, as if he were sleeping, she took whatever she could to earn passage out, and freed any other slaves that were under his ownership, you were no longer a slave if you didn't have an owner, right?
The most important thing to learn was that having friends in high and low places alike make for a very easy transition from slavery to freedom and from nothingness to plenty.
Stepping off the boat into the wilderness and frontier of Norwick in Narfell...a new day, new friends, new freedom.
Hey no problem buddy!
Reviewed, XP Pending!
Login: Dondiah
PC Name: Roisian
Im afraid i´ll need your server login and PC name, please