Two hin celebrate by the Legion Tower
Outside the Legion Tower, Benji and Talyna were found with a pattern of bolts stuck in the ground, spelling "MARRY ME".
Passing travelers note that the two were very happy and Talyna was showing off a new gold ring on her finger.
Benji proudly waves and smiles to everyone.
Hammerhand moves up the stairs to get a better look at the scene.
"Well… congratulations, Captain. Your life is now officially over." He adds, with a well-meant grin
Grag gets woken up by a sudden bright light of hopeless love The fark!? goes outside Oh? Weeel this be a surprise but sorry whoeva made this fer me I am alreedy married ta the legion! then rubs eyes and looks waaaay down GAH! Dammit benji ye sneak! look wut some lass did fer me poor lass points at the bolts Go aheed ye can have umm..
The field around the Legion Hall glows with Bolts of Hopeless Love.
//That's the most disgustingly cute thing I think I've ever seen. So glad I sold you those bolts now.
The field around the Legion Hall glows with Bolts of Hopeless Love.
Senria can be seen looking shocked before picking benji up and giving him a well earned noogie before putting him back down and congratulating him properly. She also can be heard to say that if she isn't invited to the wedding, she'd steal -all- his bolts
Outside the Legion Tower, Benji and Talyna were found with a pattern of bolts stuck in the ground, spelling "MARRY ME".
Passing travelers note that the two were very happy and Talyna was showing off a new gold ring on her finger.