Gaspard's Dozen

  • Word spreads that adventurer extraordinaire Gaspard is holding open sign-ups to his most respected and vaunted adventuring group, Gaspard's Dozen!

    //Remember Edward's Few? Well, a slight alteration is here, yay! Basically it's just a spot of fun for low levels to join in on, if you see Gaspard in log in your low levels, or roll up a new character! It'll be lots of fun, and is nothing too serious 🙂

  • //I have a level 5 mage that would love the company, though it will all depend on times and days.

  • I just rolled up a lowbie the other day. Level 3 as of right now, and in his squishy state I am desperate for comrades to adventure with.

  • @30b747de98=Teringer:

    //Amusingly enough, I have a couth lvl 5 FESTER BROTHER to throw down for funsies.

    WIN. I'm there.

  • //Amusingly enough, I have a couth lvl 5 FESTER BROTHER to throw down for funsies.

  • //For now, I'd say 6 and under, but it'll get higher as Gaspard gets higher slightly 😉

  • ICC

    I remember the 'Few' …Edward was real good at running back to town and getting High levels to retrieve the bodies!!


    I just so happen to have a low Frostdusk who will no doubt be interested in Gaspards Dozen!


  • Define "low level". In situations like this, I think it would be great to put a level range in. I have a level 6 for example, that may be interested, but I consider 6 "mid level", and not low level.

    …although with all the level 12+ characters running around recently, perhaps 6 is low level 😛