Jenavee Starbrow
(( DISCLAIMER: This is my first attempt at RP, forgive me if I'm doing something wrong ._. ))
Jenavee Starbrow is a cheerful scholar-turned- rogue who grew up near a temple of Oghma in Athkatla after her mother was struck down by disease at a young age. Having little desire to work hard, yet enjoying the books in the temple so much, she turned to thievery to afford her own collection of reading material, and often goes on short adventures after being inspired by stories of fantasy and heroes. Jenavee is fairly smart from all that learning but still a bit impulsive and doesn't always manage to think things through (Int 14, Wis 10). Despite being friendly, outgoing, and impossible to miss with her bright pink hair which is her pride and joy, she has a few strong opinions which often cause her more trouble than she'd get into otherwise (Cha 10).
Login: Jenavee
Character Name: Jenavee Starbrow
Reviewed, XP Pending!