Harvest Moon Festival 10' !!!!!!

  • The Halfling Defence League

    _A pair of silver dragoon runners travel to each friendly city and town in narfell to announce a news:

    "Hear ye! Hear ye!! Its this season again when the silver valley hosts its annual Harvest Moon Festival! This year's a special edition for commemoration of the brave heroes' victory over the evil dracolich! The silver valley thereby warmly extends her invitation to all people of the nars to join in this festival of fun and games with us! Don't be late or you'd miss the limited stock of this year's edition of mystery action figurines!"_

    Directions to Silver Valley:

    ((Updated: Event is scheduled at Sunday Night 18 July 8pm EST in silver valley. But I'd also like to hear if the majority of player base is comfortable with this timing. And whether the majority may prefer to postpone this to next week Saturday night instead. I wish to cater this to as many as possible so please feel free to voice out.))

  • The Halfling Defence League

    // Scratch whatever I wrote before for those who caught it. I managed to catch the dm finally and it seems it will go on as per normal. The festival will take place instead of fight night as per originally last stated 🙂

  • Legion

    //Just checked with the DM. This is still on in place of Fight Night.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    //I couldn't catch hold of the dm in charge, so this is postponed to next week. Sorry people.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    //Festival is now rescheduled to Sunday 18 jul 9pm est. Instead of usual fight night we'd have some festival grooving!

  • Dondiah passes by during the announcment, arms full of bags from shopping and stops to listen to the announcment.

    "Hmmn…sounds like a party. Guess I'll have to put on my dancing boots and drag Clay along."

    //Time works PERFECT for me over here 🙂