A Burnt Camp

  • Travellers on the pass would notice a burnt down campsite on the hill by the entrance to the gnoll woods. An empty crate and chest were left behind, and there's a charred pile of corpses, either hins or children. There is no evidence as to who they were or who killed them.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    _Dietrick stops Celad and tells him he will see that the dead get a more dignified funeral.

    Dietrick returns later with a pack horse and two dragoon guards and attempt to transport the charred corpses back to the silver valley where they will be laid inside the temple.

    The following is then arranged by Dietrick:
    1. The Yondalla faithful priests are asked to examine to charred corpses to ascertain if they were hins.

    2. A 'speak with dead' spell will be performed by Councilor of Faith Theaon or another priest.

    3. Funeral rites and arrangements will be made after._

    ((RP on what happens once they reach the silver valley will be posted in HDL forums))

  • All possible markings and belongings have either been taken or burnt to ash, and all footprints have been washed away by an unusual amount of rain.

  • (( Hearing the rumors, Celad investigates and searches the campsite, including what is left of the wagons, and surrounding areas for tracks or signs of who is responsible and where they might have gone. He then grabs a shovel to help with the burying of the dead.))

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Upon hearing the rumours, Dietrick immediately sets off to the site to examine the possibly charred corpses of hins. He looks the corpses about as well as any clothing or belongings around to attempt to identify if the corpses had been hins.