The Gentlemen's Hunting Club
_Ekmen Kyzanos is spreading a word that he is putting together a hunting party. The direction of where the party would be heading to will be decided when the participating individuals are known. He however is heard discussing his desire to hunt in Mintas Woods if the hunting party is strong enough.
Those who are interested are to contact him, be they Oscuran or surfacers._
((OOC: Putting group together to player run event, next saturday 10pm GMT. Moving on from Shiny Coppers, exactly at that time. Looking for group 5-7 adventurers somewhere around lvl 10 or higher (just to throw in some rough numbers. Those who are interested, feel free to reply here.)))
((That's 8 PM for me… I think? I hope to be there, but... don't know for sure - it's the time I should be back, on Saturday...!)
//I can make it and will make it. Which char will come a surprise…mauhahahaha ((still debating on two diff chars
(( Ah! Screwed be meh.. Of course I messed up with the time. So
the start time is to be 7PM GMT, not 10PM GMT as earlier told.
It just seems that I just am able to confuse additions and subtractions
Please re-reply if those who earlier informed can join or not, and there is still space for others as well. The 10th level is not a must, but just trying to keep people somewhere inside few neighboring levels.
Oh! and if you also have ideas of possible places in addition to Mintas Woods, feel free to suggest. Main idea would be heading to some more rarely visited place of the server to have fun adventuring experience.
Vladimir has been sat in the coppers recently with a wet stone sharpening his sword and arrow heads!
Gina smiles hearing of this, and asks if it's okay if she tends the gentlemen. She promises to bring cigars or pipes - just as she likely will bring an assortment of weapons.
Gina hears the answer she was expecting from Ekmen, and is as welcomed to the club as always has been and always will be
Gina smiles hearing of this, and asks if it's okay if she tends the gentlemen. She promises to bring cigars or pipes - just as she likely will bring an assortment of weapons.
//I'm in , but i'll wait to see who else joins, and based on that one or another char will attend, to follow IC likes/dislikes…
Local Peacekeeper Vidar sends a letter to Mr. Kyzanos expressing his interest in this hunting excursion. He also inquires as to whether there will be a pre-hunt meeting scheduled to discuss the specifics of the trip, as well as address any questions.
//If it is this next coming Saturday, I already may be going backpacking/camping, so I may not be able to make it. However if anything changes I'd like to come along. Player organized events are always fun, and this one sounds great.//
//Depending on what I'm doing exactly at that time, I may watch over this as DM