A Murder in the Docks

  • _Everyone had let out a huge sigh of relief when the murderer Jaelle blew herself up in Oscura. All the mothers, wives and girlfriends could rest easy now…or so they thought...

    The stench of death and decay has been permeating one of the apartment complexes in the docks district to the point that the landlord was finally called to investigate. He went from apartment to apartment trying to investigate and find the source of the smell when he walked into a bedroom and was assaulted visually by a vision so gruesome that it makes Jaelle's murders look like child's play...the guards were quickly summoned and the apartment has been locked down. Only the defenders and the guard have been allowed access.

    Rumors are running rampant that another killer is on the loose...And that the poor landlord has taken to his bed due to a weakened heart..._

  • (( Celad, while in Peltarch after a crafting trip, hears the rumors. He goes to the area of the apartments to learn what he can from the guard and locals. He then heads back to Norwick to file a report to the militia.))

    ((He also pauses on the way to warn the farmers to be wary of strangers. ))

  • _Raúl, who owns one of those apartments hurries to the place, and examines the corpse, specially for similar things with Jaelle's murders. ((search +22, spot +21)) He then heads home and tells Marie and his son to be extremly cautious and replaces the doors lock with a lock of his own ((+21 open lock)) to ensure his family's safety.

    After that he asks the guard what did they find out that shows any relevance_