Soundset Override Help.
Appologies for starting another newbie thread.. Can anyone help me with the Soundset override? I downloaded the file, wich is a .txt document… I'm unshure what to do beyond merely coping the .txt doc onto my overrides folder. any help would be welcome
ah, worked it out now… I needed to rename it without the .txt extention and overite the old soundest file in the 2daScource folder. got it
I've not ever used it - but if you right click on the file and save it, it should save as soundset.2da.
Alternatively, you can rename the file soundset.2da (make sure you have file extensions visible if you do this, so you don't accidentally end up with a file named soundset.2da.txt).
Once you have the file named properly, dropping it in your override folder should work.
Someone who has actually used it can confirm or elaborate.