Missing Person Signs

  • Signs have been plastered all over the docks with the following information:



    Jim Bob, husband, father, friend and dock worker has gone missing. He was last seen with a woman wearing dark clothing boarding a ship for Oscura about a week ago. If you have any information regarding Jim Bob's disappearance, please contact Sally Bob at the Mermaid or your local guardsman.

    A reward of 200 gold is being offered if Jim Bob is found.

  • Yana looks at the note with a sigh. “You! Private!”, she shouts, waving a hand telling him to come over.

    “Yes Ma’am?”

    “Go talk to the wife and the kids, and find out where he worked. Which guild and who for. Then talk to the wife and go through his belongings at home. Find out if something is there that shouldn’t be there, or something is missing that shouldn’t be missing. I’m going to talk to the people in the taverns, and see who he hung out with. Perhaps I can get a lead on this woman. Meet me by the fountain at noon. I expect a full report.”

    Yana watches as the private runs off. First stop, the Pissing Goat, followed by the Lucky Ferret and others. Yana should know the docks very, very well, and talk to whom she thinks might know Jim Bob, or this woman. She’ll buy drinks, use a few coins, and do what she can to gather some information.

  • Word spreads that Jim Bob's body was found at the bottom of a chasm in Kuo lands by a pint sized warrior. It appears the poor guy was murdered. There is now a reward of 500 gold for any information leading to the capture of the woman last seen with Jim Bob.

  • Vanderkaus spends two days trying to find out some information about the woman Bob was seem with.

    He asks about her at the inns and harbour, and also at local shops.

    He also is seem talking to some of Bob´s friends always asking about the woman: who she is, where does she come from, what does she talk about.

    During these days, he also asures the family of the missing one that he is looking for him and will try his best to find him.

    After these days, the dwarf is spoted heading to Oscura, where he asks about Bob and the woman.

  • Keen eyes would see some Far Scouts investigating in the Docks, moving in the shadows and checking the places he was seen last. You can't tell for sure, but seems even one or two went to oscura to check