Maya in Prison

  • Not long after his jailing, and after he was stripped clean of all equipment and released from the shackles, Hammerhand was approached by Aelthas for a short conversation. However, as Aelthas walked away, Hammer called him back and tried to taunt him into fighting, for whatever stubborn reason. Aelthas didn't take the bait though.

  • Legion

    _Benji stops by the Gaol. As he enters the room and sees those gathered he trips and stumbles a few steps.

    He adjusts his glasses and mutters._


    He scratches the back of his head.

    How's everyone doing?

  • //yes, no null magic.. and maybe they break the fingers of casters? ::smiles:: The old Romani way, or maybe they just have special shackles and gags to keep them from casting?. Either way, I thought you knew this.

    As a note, thats why Aelthas ordered the extra security, people with hold spells, etc.. in case she -did- do the whole.. grr thing and try to get free.

  • @64ea634da8=Caoimh:

    ((The current Gaol does not have a null magic zone, that was the old Gaol before the war.))

    //Really? That's going to be a serious problem then. How do they hold spell casters? In Maya's case, it means Tempus can hear her, and the legacy of her return can be brought forth

  • Healing -does- work down here and she already tried to rip my arm off, him staying back was for his protection as much as anyone elses. He was given a lawful order by the Guard and decided to disobey it, so now he sees a cell for it. I want Maya to be comfortable too, but she already tried to call down Tempus on us, you -know- what that means Yana, so until she is cleared in the head a bit, no, he isn't healing her.

    With that said.. Aelthas heads off for a bit to file the report.. coming back a short time later and taking his spot by the cell again, opening his book once more as he mutters to himself.

  • Though Hammerhand is overwhelmed by the four guards, he hardly goes peacefully, kicking and punching and fighting. Halfway trough he almost breaks free, but the sheer numbers manage to drag him into his cell. Even then, it takes a good amount of manacles and chains to finally restrain him. "You farkin' cowards! It takes -four- of you! You're pathetic! Tempus curse you sorry farks! All of you! Let those giants rip all your heads off!"

  • ((The current Gaol does not have a null magic zone, that was the old Gaol before the war.))

  • @7dc4b4b95c=DrDreadLock:

    //And IG with Hammer at the permission of the DM involved in the plot..

    And as Hammer moves up.. Ael jumps up to help the Guards, taking Hammer down in a flurry of fists.. having him hauled off to a cell himself for disobeying the Guards orders..

    Yana however, remains calmly seated throughout. She looks up as the violence starts up and Hammer is dragged off. "You know folks, it would have comforted her, and there's nothing he can do down here anyway. So you're all beating him up so he….what...Doesn't get beat up by mom instead? How...brilliant.

  • //As a point of note, the healing doesn't work down there anyway. Magic null zone and such

    As Hammerhand gets dragged off, "See Hammerhand! See how they still betray me! They will keep me here in cell until Tempus can no longer see me, and whither. Is no way for Champion of Tempus to die!", she screams.

  • //And IG with Hammer at the permission of the DM involved in the plot..

    And as Hammer moves up.. Ael jumps up to help the Guards, taking Hammer down in a flurry of fists.. having him hauled off to a cell himself for disobeying the Guards orders..

  • The guard makes a motion and several more step forward.

    Lad, ye were warned once nay ta step close. This visit be over.

    He motions for the four other guards to surround Hammerhand as he again rests his large beefy hand on Hammer's shoulder.

  • As Hammer steps forward.. (I was posting as he did this) Aelthas gets up and grabs him forcibly before he can heal her..

    //I'll leave it at that.. but before he gets his healing off, think it would be better to deal with it IG..

  • Aelthas smiles slightly as the Guards stop Hammer from getting to close, he flips through a few pages in his book, not seeming to worried about the look Hammer has or the danger he thinks he represents to any in the prison, as he makes no move to intervene in the Guards duty. As Maya talks, he simply looks to her then looks back to his book, listening quietly and repeating the words..

    "Soon my friend"

  • "What do you need?"

  • _Ignoring the guard this time, Hammerhand steps forward and touches her hand respectfully, chanting a brief series of prayers. The first to heal the worst of her wounds and restore her strength, the second to improve her physical strength and the third a general blessing of skill and courage.

    "You're Champion of my Lord. Betraying you would be betraying Him." He says matter-of-factly, as much to her as to those nearby._

  • “They do this because I pick up weapon as spoil of war. Was great weapon, and I earn this, by help defeat Drow priestess. Now”, she spits, ”They say I am evil, when is they who shame and betray my friendship to them. In Tempus eyes THEY are evil. I wish to fight, and they have disarm me. They have given oath of friendship, and now betray!”

  • Maya reaches her hand out towards Hammerhand, with a desperate, almost pleading expression. “Please”, she says, “Have Tempus bless me. I cannot feel him here. They have taken everything from me. My weapon, my armor, even great relic of his. Why do they care? Why do old friend betray me? You will not betray me too, will you?”

  • _Turning his head, Hammerhand looks the guard in the eyes. For a long, tense moment he looks ready to break the guard in more ways than he has bones, until he shrugs off the hand from his shoulder and takes a step back. Not because the guard asked so, the look in Hammer's eyes was clear enough, but likely the presence of the far more powerful Yana and, to lesser extent (or so he believes), Aelthas.

    He then looks back to the prison.
    "Looks like they want you to let you bleed out some more first." He briefly pauses, looking ashamed. "So.. what happened?"_

  • One of the guards standing close by puts his hand on Hammerhand's shoulder

    Lad, yer nay allowed ta be so close ta the prison'r. I suggest ye move or I'll 'ave ta physically remove ye.

  • _Hammerhand glances at Aelthas and Yana as he approaches, before standing relatively close to the bars, not knowing or caring why he shouldn't.

    "Are you alright?" He says, looking her over. "Do you want Tempus to heal those wounds and restore your strength?"_