Drow Attack on Norwick Immenent
_Theaon calls for an emergency meeting in the Council Chambers
"My fellow kin, I come before you today with dire news. Reports have been coming in that a massive drow army is gathering in the underground city of Arnath. Sources say this army will try to take Norwick, and as I am speaking warriors from all over the region are gathering to try and help defend the town.
Will the drow attack our home? We do not know, however, even if the drow do ignore us, if they take Norwick we would be cut off from the rest of the region.
As a general in the Troff Legion, I have ordered our troops to help protect the Silver Valley and make sure the passage west of Norwick stays clear of drow in case we need to evacuate. If we do end up evacuating, it is important that we move quickly, therefore we would have to travel light, but it is more important that we stay in groups as we leave the Valley, each led by some Dragoons."
He shows a map of the Nars Pass
"We'll go North on the Nars Pass, avoiding the Hoaran's straight to the Legion Tower. It is there that we can regroup, rest, and be taken care of. Food, water, and blankets will be provided to all who need them. If we do happen to run out of these necessities, we will have to send some up to Peltarch possibly. I'm sure Marty, being a senator, could arrange something.
In the meantime, I'm afraid you should all get ready to evacuate if the time comes, and the Dragoons should prepare our defenses. Any who wish to leave now can do so. An escort can take you up to the Legion Tower.
May Yondalla protect us in this dire time."_
The Sisterhood has already organized more than enough tentage to accomodate everyone seeking to evacuate. They were made ready in the face of the Hungry One, but they will serve us here just as well.
I'll continue discussing our provisions to accomodate evacuees in Peltarch's Senate.
Merial makes it known that she will help escort any who wish to be.