The (soon-to-be) Many Adventures of Leon Ra'vel

  • "The begining, Enter Slimblade."

    _"Yeah… Yeah this town ain't half bad." Leon grinned to himself as he strutted down the Peltarch docks, eating an apple. His somewhat dirty dark hair tucked neatly behind his ears. He finished chewing the apple and tossed it in a random trash bin as he turned the corner, running his gloved hand through his hair before resting it on his trusty rapier.

    He turned yet another corner and sniffed the air before looking around. He made his way to the town square. He nodded to a blonde human male as he sat down slothfully, leaning against the railing.

    "Fine day, eh chum?" Leon looked over to the man with a small half grin. The man turned and nodded. "Say, buddy, wouldn't know where i could find a decent crossbow, would ya?"

    The blonde man finally cleared his throat and spoke up. "Yes, I would. Near the docks, sir. Would you like me to show you the way?"

    "That'd be jus' swell, mate." Leon hopped off the bench and adjusted his outfit. They made there way back towards the docks, a different blonde human, wearing dark armor studded with gold, nodded politely in passing. "Careful out in the docks, gets dangerous at night."

    Leon nodded, as well as his guide. The dark armored blonde man continued his way east while they made there way towards the docks. They encountered a rather well-to-do fellow, who looked groomed and well-read. He had a larger-then-normal mustache on his face, and a cunning smile. "G'day gents." He said. "Wouldn't be interested in some gossip, per chance, would you?"

    Gossip. Why not?

    "Sure thing, chum." Leon answered with a polite nod and grin. "Right'ere?"

    "Oh, no no. I'll be enjoying a meal at the mermaid inn, -meet me there. Tah." The man half-bowed and continued on his way.

    They finally made it to the hin merchant who carried the crossbows.

    "Hrmmnh..." Leon rubbed the subtle on his chin. "I don't have enough for this. Les'jus' go see that mustache man 'boute his gossip, eh?" Leon looked to his companion.

    "Sure thing. Oh, by the way, you got a name?" The man asked.

    "Leon Ravel's the name. Jack'v all trade's my game." He smirked and gave him a small bow.

    "Heh. I'm emmon. Yeah, let's just go meet with the gossip-guy." The blonde man answered.

    They both made there way back to the mermaid to meet up with the man in the mustache. They could hardly hear the door creak open, the inn was so crowded. Sitting at a table, cutting himself a slice of meat, was the mustached man. "Gd'eve and a swell-hello again, gents!" Leon smiled and pulled himself a chair. Emmon sat across from Leon, to the right of the mustached man.
