Flyers of beauty!
Flyers are left attached to trees with a sticky, sweet smelling substance, painted in full colour, along the length of the pass.
The Narfell Bardic Society Charter
The Narfell Bardic Society is the foremost home of the performing arts in the Realm of Narfell. Our home is in Peltarch, the College and Theatre being the heart of our organisation, the centre from which we work outwards. Together, we aim to advance the cause of beauty and joy in this often bleak landscape, to gather knowledge and items of beauty, and to share the gifts we have with all.
Membership in the Bardic Society is by means of admission to the College. Whilst there are no monetary fees associated with this, there is an expectation that all members will participate in performances, whether planned or spontaneous, to showcase their talents to others, and in doing so, to further our name. We will all work together to improve ourselves, and one another, so that we may build up, rather than destroy.
We believe in the freedom of expression, that no man has the right to deny free speech, nor truth in action. Our members are welcome to make their home in any town of the realm, but they will always have a place to stay within our walls. Political allegiances are to be left at the door, for our art is what binds us together, not our citizenship or membership in other groups.
We're currently seeking new members who have an interest in the fine arts. If you wish to work with other like minded individuals, seek out Master Val Kyrie or Master Elidur Ginen, or leave your name at the Peltarch Theatre.