The Election Campaign of Lord Enenan Snydders

  • Promptly on the first of Kythorn, in all three districts criers liveried in red and gold are spread through the city's many streets. Each one is armed with an ebony rod which they point skywards from time to time, emitting crackling colourful sparks to grab people's attention as they proclaim their candidate's virtues with bardic wit and tom-foolery.

    "Step up, step down, hear the word about town?
    They say we've a Senate gone mad, gone bad…its sad!
    They care so much about Oscura and so little about Oscur-US!"

    The crier pauses to do a cartwheel and twirl his wand at the sky with a pop of sound and sparks.

    "You all know the Guilds…most of you work for one of them! the Senate doesn't know them very well...the Senate thinks it can tell the Guilds to go suck a lemon! The Senate thinks it can tell the people of Peltarch to go suck a lemon! And steal all the lemonade at the same time!

    Enenan Snydders has watched Peltarch for many years. He saw it in times of sorrow and times of triumph, and now he comes to you in its time of need! Peltarch may have recovered its footing from the war, but we have yet to recover our crown, our rightful place as the Jewel of the Icelace, the Diadem of Narfell!

    The Snydders family has brought trade, guidance and wisdom to Peltarch for years too far back to count, now their greatest scion wishes to bring you even more! Vote Snydders...the Official Candidate of the League of Guilds!"

    The criers may not draw crowds as the first activities of other candidates have, but they seem to be everywhere, and by the end of the day everyone is talking about Enenan and his backing from the League of Guilds…which has surprised most everyone who has heard it, given there are two Guildleaders running besides him.

  • The next rally of Enenan Snydders takes place in Ashald Park, and unlike other rallies, it is not a public event. The invited guests all appear to be the merchants, tradespeople and Guild officers of the City, from the lowliest peddler of copperwares to the leading personalities of the League of Guilds. The gates of the park are closed for the entire day, with reports that the guests within are being treated like royalty, but also that a lot of discussion is taking place between the candidate and those in attendance.

  • A second rally takes place outside the looming Snydders Estate in the Civic District. The city's luminaries and noble families are all in attendance and this time around the Snydders campaign seems to have invested an awful lot into entertaining the attendees. Bards cartwheel about the place, songs are sung and treats are distributed to eager children. Enenan himself emerges from his family home not long into the affair, his arrival not quite the spectacle of his previous rally. Stepping onto a small dias, he addresses the crowds.

    "My friends and neighbours, welcome. I must ask your forgiveness for the lateness with which my hospitality reaches some of you, I will admit my penchant for forgetting social functions at my own estates and at the estates of my good neighbours is something I sincerely regret. Yet I am certain that by now I have met with most of you, better late than never as they say.

    Like my friend Ryan Fisher, I understand this part of town. I understand and share your needs, your wants and your fears. Peltarch has suffered in the past, and now that this suffering has been recovered from I wonder if people such as my honourable opponent Mister Doubleday understand how this recovery was made possible?

    The Civic District made it possible, as we all of course know and remember. The Docks and the Commerce District were torn apart, and it was only through the continued perseverance and fidelity of this Jewel's nobility that Peltarch retained its viability and potential as a great trading City. After the War, any number of our families could have relocated to Hoarsgate or elsewhere. Certainly, this would have been easier. Less financially taxing than remaining in a destroyed husk of a City.

    Yet we did not! We remained! For this is our Jewel, and we have always seen fit to tend to its luster, silently but ever unwaveringly! Without the loyalty and determination of all of you, this city would be a bleak and empty place by now! I say let them who would make electoral targets of these true patriots I see before me, who would make them seem the fops, the dandies and the spendthrifts of our city, let them pause to remember that Peltarch is lucky to have such a true, faithful cadre of citizens!

    I am honoured to be among you today, my friends, and I am proud to promise all of you the recognition and respect you deserve, for all you have done for Peltarch and her people."

  • Senator Ryan Fisher joins Senator Redralen in declaring his support for Enenan Snydders.

  • Perhaps a day or two after the speech, senator Redralen voices his opinions on Snydder's election:

    I am voicing my support for Snydders as well, for he seems a logical man who will use proper judgement in his decisions for the Jewel. He holds no biased toward any one group, and will make his decisions with careful thinking and from all angles of possibility. He will add a neutral element to the senate if elected.

    With an incline of the head and a charming smile, Ronan takes his leave once voicing his support.

  • Senator Redralen, whom attended the speech, looked quite intrigued by his magey colleague. Though he makes no comment, soon dissapearing after the speech was finished.

  • _Some days after Heffa's rowdy rally, the masses gather once more to attend the well advertised rally of the illusive Enenan Snydders. Already beginning with a surprise, the rally is to take place outside the Seafarers Guildhall in the Docks, and not in the Civic District as most anticipated the noble mage would select. The crowd that gathers contains representatives from the vast majority of the Guilds of Peltarch, and all their employees besides, not to mention the ever curious and nosey denizens of the Docks District, eager for what is no doubt the closest glimpse of the solitary mage they have ever gotten.

    The fare provided for those in attendance is much more lavish than what Heffa was provided, most of the commoners in attendance agape at the food heaped before them, most of them eating and drinking better than they ever have before. Presdigators abound through the crowds, turning children's hair various luminous shades among many other magical tricks and japes for people's amusement and wonder.

    As many continue to stuff as much of the sumptuous food into their guts as they can, Lord Chadwick Whyte takes to the stand and calls for attention are made by the Seafarer attendants about the crowded plaza._

    "Citizens of Peltarch, people of the Docks, welcome one and welcome all! Welcome husbands, welcome wives, welcome boys and girls! It was not so long ago that I was standing here bidding for your votes myself, and for some time there was a part of me that wished to make the attempt again! Yet, I found that when the time came for me to make that decision, I knew that it was not meant to be. I serve Peltarch now as the chair of the League of Guilds…a responsibility that I find I cannot abandon now that I have taken it up. Of course, my decision was made all the easier when I found out that Enenan Snydders was willing to enter the Senatorial campaign.

    Many of you know Enenan as a man of solitude, a man of mystery, a respected master of magic who despite his great standing in both Society and in Peltarch's largest Guild has ever had the humility of shirking the public eye in favour of quiet, unappreciated service to his City and to his People.

    His counsel, his wisdom and his impartiality have been counted on by countless figures throughout Peltarch's recent past! Gelon, Telan, Thril, Lavindo, Illesqueth and more besides all relied upon Enenan's wisdom and dependable service in their time! Now, I will allow the man to do that which he seldom does, speak for himself!"

    _As Whyte stands aside from the centre of the stand, the air grows dark and a thin coil of pure white myst swirls rapidly about the middle of the platform. A low rumble accompanies the sudden flashing of the myst into brilliant white luminescence, clearing abruptly to leave the robed, tall figure of Enenan Snydders standing in its wake.

    The thin, sharp figure looks up, features stern, black hair and moustasche showing not a sign of grey, his face somewhat aged but by no means old. As the area grows bright again, people remain silent, the wizard's dramatic appearance possessed of an austere, serious character entirely unlike the tricks of the presdigators amongst the crowd. His thin, ringed fingers seem to briefly bleed energies for a moment until he begins to speak. His voice is clearly magically enchanted, but entirely unlike the presdigation just used by Whyte, lacking the magical boom and echo of the cantrip, but audible to all nonetheless. His tones are stern, with a touch of severity and aloofness that seem to demand attention and even respect._

    "I am Enenan Snydders. I seek election to the Senate of Peltarch, by your will that I might do your will. I am humbled to have the backing of many of the Guilds of Peltarch, yet the true goal of any candidate is to earn the backing of all of you, our people, and not merely those who employ you.

    By the time this campaign has ended, I mean to have earned your support by my own right, and not by the word of any other man, woman or Guild. I mean to do this not by word or promise, but by deeds done. My hardworking opponent, Heffa, has pledged to restore the markets of the Commerce District. I ask him, with what funds will he do this? The promise is well made, but will it be well kept? Can it be? As I stand here with you, I can make fifty thousand gold coins available in pledged support for the renewal of the Commerce District. I say let it be done, not promised. It may not be enough gold to complete the process, but let it be begun all the same. Unlike Heffa, I entrust our Senate to take this gold and put it to use immediately. I question how somebody so antagonistic toward the Senate could expect to fulfill any promises once sitting at the table with the same men and women whose reputations he has attacked?

    Make no mistake, I attack Heffa's promises, for it cannot be doubted the man himself has served our City well, as my very good friend Jesomar Daedelus has proclaimed. If you remember one thing today, let it be this; Heffa gave you the promise, but I supplied the means. I will continue to earn your support in the days to come.

    By my deeds…judge me."

    The wizard raises his arms to join his hands above his head, vanishing with the crack of thunder and flashing of magical energies…after a few moments of semi-stunned silence, the crowd bursts into appreciative applause and the festivities continue.