Election Results! (Scroll to last post)

  • Taking to the stand in the marketplace, Herald Fisher addresses the gathered crowd to make an eagarly anticipated announcement.

    "Citizens of Peltarch, the Senate has seen fit to decree that an election to fill the vacancy left by former Senator Calen Ashwynd will begin immediately. As you already know, all citizens above the age of thirteen years are eligible to vote, and all so eligible may cast two votes.

    As the duely appointed director of elections, my office will be handling nominations for those citizens seeking to put forth their candidacy in this election. Any citizen wishing to do so must be nominated by a fellow citizen and this nomination must then be seconded by another fellow citizen, in writing and submitted to my office at City Hall.

    Nominations will remain open until the forth day of Uktar, after which I will announce the candidates for the election and campaigning may begin. There is to be strictly no campaigning prior to this date, under penalty of being stricken from the nominates!"

    ((Nomination letters to be sent to the Herald via PM to me, make sure to include both your character's name and the names of the two citizens nominating and seconding them. Nominations will close in two weeks on Sunday the 14th of March.))

  • After much delay, word quickly spreads from City Hall that the Senate has instructed the Herald to release the election results. By the time Damian Fisher emerges onto the balcony of City Hall, the square below is already filled with people eager to hear the outcome, though notably there are very few Wavebreakers watching.

    "Citizens of Peltarch! We have been united in mourning these past few tenday for the loss of one of our greatest sons, Kaster Lavindo. Yet we should not believe that we are weakened by his loss…rather we are strengthened by his passing, by the life he led, a life he spent in service to all of us.

    I have come to you today to pronounce your judgement upon our City and upon these times. Two new Senators have been elected, as we prepare to bury one. They come to their new position at an uncertain time for Peltarch. Yet I am certain we all share the common hope that these new servants of the Jewel will take from Kaster Lavindo inspiration enough to join our respected Senate in their efforts on Peltarch's behalf. May the Gods grant them the courage and tenacity we all need of them!

    I present to you now, the victors of the electoral contest! With the most votes and Peltarch's first Dwarven Senator, Senator Bofauk Faltek! And only narrowly behind in votes, Senator Enenan Snydders!"

    The Herald steps back as the two newly elected Senators join him on the balcony to wave down at the crowd, some of whom heckled the Herald during his speech, particularly the phrase "respected Senate". Heffa speaks first, addressing the crowd with the grave manner only dwarves can muster.

    "Ye have me gratitude for yer support an' patience these past few months. Things have gone from bad to worse over the course o' these campaigns. I made promises to ye, an' I mean to keep 'em. Now more'n ever, Peltarch needs the security of her defenses. She needs her Southern Watchtower back. We need our market properly renewed. We need our trade link wi' Oscura t'be clad in iron, so our merchants can stop worryin' about losin' their investments there!

    An' I have a message t'me fellow Senators. I may 'ave critisized ye some in the campaign but it was nay for any cheap shot t'get votes, when I join ye at the table I'll be lookin' to work, not play politics. I hope ye'll forgive any o' me bluntness an' work with me. For the Jewel."

    The crowd murmurs appreciatively at Heffa's speech, some of his more obvious supporters cheering him on, before Enenan's arcanely amplified voice cuts through the air silencing them.

    "I echo my fellow victor's sentiments. The Senate has been plagued with division and indecision on matters such as the Oscura Trade Agreement. I would urge my new colleagues to take the opportunity of this election to reexamine their service to Peltarch, reexamine Peltarch's needs and problems, and work as one again for the Jewel's sake.

    Having had the support of the Guilds of Peltarch during this electoral campaign, I intend to make good my promise to keep them from ever being marginalized again, whilst ensuring that any disagreements with the Senate never again threaten our precious law and order. Our streets must be cleansed of rioting and upheaval. And they will be. I must commend the Peltarch Guard on their efforts to maintain the peace over these trying months, and I intend to make supplementing their efforts my highest priority on the Senate."

    As Lord Snydders ends his speech, somewhat abruptly, and to scattered applause from the merchants and guildsmen in the crowd, the two new Senators reenter City Hall to complete the ceremonial induction into the Senate and join their colleagues in the Chamber.

  • ((Apologies for the delay, this week has dumped a few surprises on me. Will have to push the announcement back a week to Monday the 3rd of May)).

  • ((Voting By PCs

    Players with characters that hold Peltarch Citizenship may PM me with how their characters vote in the election. Each citizen has two votes, and may cast them for two candidates or both for the same (though this is discouraged, secret ballot means nobody would find out). I will be accepting votes via PM until this time tomorrow.))

  • Herald Damian Fisher announces that campaigning will cease on the third of Elient, balloting will begin the next day at sunrise and end at sundown. On sunrise of the fifth of Elient, the count will begin, with City Hall hoping to announce a victor on the sixth.

    ((Campaigns to cease on Saturday the 24th of April, Results to be announced on Monday the 26th.))

  • Campaign Activities

    **Those who recall the last set of elections may remember that there were some difficulties in my keeping track of campaign costs, fortunately this won't be the case this time around as its a smaller election with fewer candidates- so make sure you know what you are spending as I will be coming after you for it!

    Below are the details of campaign costs, and as always if you have any queries please do send me a PM.**

    Speaking Engagement/Letter Writing - 200 gold per letter (addresses a particular group)
    -Message conveyed to particular group, with an average of 25% of the group receiving it in some form.

    Engagement (gala or party; invitation only event aimed at a specific group) is 5,000 gold
    -Affects a specific group, obviously; may conversely affect competing groups. 75% of the group is like to receive the campaign message via this method.

    Written Fliers/Signs/Banners - 100 gold (per block/street canvassed)
    -Effectiveness will vary depending on district and typical literacy level of residents, as well as amount spent.
    (Total District Costs; 1500 for Civic, 3000 for Commerce and 5500 for Docks)

    Criers and Bards - 200 gold (per crier), 400 gold (per bard)
    -Criers are often used in Peltarch to relay messages to the populace, so they are used to hearing them, criers with bardic training can also be hired to give the message more flash to it (though remember certain groups may prefer criers to bards or vice-versa).
    (Total district costs- 2000 for Civic, 3000 for Commerce and 4000 for docks, double these for Bardic training, but you can also feel free to mix and match and even specify which type of crier goes to what parts of the city, just PM me).

    Rally (in a particular district) - 10,000 gold
    -Affects on a district wide basis.

    General Speech - 500gp
    -The money ensures a crowd gathers, but not that it will be a big enough affair to be talked about much across the district (like a rally is). effectiveness is therefore small enough, but at least it breaks the literacy barrier. 3-6% of a district may receive the message to varying degrees this way.

    For other campaign activities candidates may PM me and I will inform them of costs. The above methods are related to getting your campaign messages HEARD, whether they are well received or not depends on what the NPCs concerned actually think of it once they've heard it.

  • On the morning of first of Kythorn candidates are summoned to City Hall to meet with the Herald, where he is said to have answered any questions they have about the upcomming campaigning as well as wished them all good luck. Banners and liveried criers are out on the streets that very afternoon.

    ((Any questions about the elections, IC or OOC can be PMed to me.))

  • The following notice is posted up outside City Hall, outside the Temple of Tyr and outside the Guildhalls of the Seafarers and Wavebreakers Guilds, signed and sealed by the City Herald.

    Nominations for Election to the Senate of Peltarch are now CLOSED

    The following citizens have been nominated for candidacy to the Senate of Peltarch and are legally authorised to campaign to that end;

    Bofauk "Heffa" Faltek
    Speaker for the Stonemasons Guild

    Aelthas Benthur
    Captain of the Ignismons Veteran Company, Peltarch Defenders

    John Isle
    Advisor to Senator Martouscha Leaffall

    Perriwig P. Doubleday
    Gastrognome and Sometime Private Gentleman

    Rhyla Featherdown
    Guildmaster of the Courtesan's Union

    Lord Enenan Snydders
    Magister Patriarch of the respected Snydders Family

    Due to the recent passing of Lord Snydders' Lady Wife, the Herald has seen fit to delay the beginning of campaigning until a suitable mourning period has elapsed, as before any campaigning prior to the new date of the first of Kythorn will be penalised by the revokation of nomination!

    -Damian Fisher
    City Herald

    ((Have to delay the beginning of campaigning for one RL week until the 21st of March as I'm going on an unexpected week long holiday next week for St. Patrick's Day, see you all next week!))