Just curious.
My familiar is a panther. It has 13 INT - I read the D&D Manual, familiar section. But obiosly the NWN familiars have nothing to do.
Can my panther talk? Or he is just smart but unable to talk for "X" reasons?In general, how are familiars to be treated in Narf?
I think the only animal familiar that can speak per PnP rules is the raven (a nod to Edger Allen Poe, I suspect). Of course, the regular feat for familiars only has small animals and such, not pixies, panthers, mephits, etc. I looked up the Improved Familiar feat. It doesn't give any indication that the listed familiars there would gain the ability to speak, but many of them already can speak.
So, I would say, unless it's a raven or a creature already capable of language, it cannot speak.
((Note: As of right now, this is my opinion and not necessarily a DM ruling.))
Language is a lot more than words though, I wonder if an animal with that level of intelligence would have some understanding of it's 'owner'. And whether or not that animal could communicate in it's own way, intelligently - or display it's own characteristics. While it might be from a purely RP standpoint, and other 'animal companions' may already have quirks without the extra int' score, it might be funny to have a panther that rolled it's eyes at certain daft commands or situations.
It might also make for interesting possibilities with plots or even just character interractions, having a companion that will follow commands could allow for IC '/tells' and such? If this was just about the cat speaking common then yeah, that'd be a bit creepy. It's summoned by magic though, does it follow all the rules? :?
If for no better reason than the rules say so, worgs can speak common.
No such thing is said about panthers. Ravens, however, -can- speak common, if it's about familiars in general.
I'd assume from the Monster manual description of the Worg, that the creature already has developed vocal chords etc, so therefore can speak.
The idea came to my mind actually, because someone mentioning Worg's being able to speak. In common. Which would be obiously DM doing it, so eventhough I see your point, Eoden, and it's really fair to me, I see some clashing between it, and what happens IG.
Here's my thoughts, while your familiar may be magical, it doesnt have the correct vocal chords, mouth shape etc to be able to form human speach.
Ehm. familiars and thier masters have….telepathic bounds. At level 5 (in PnP) familiar and master can communicate telepathicly as if both spoke common.
Also, familiars are not normal panthers...they are magical beasts...they do even have SR, heh.
Just curious.
Can my panther talk?Do real panthers talk? Not in the sense that people can, but with 13 intelligence and some good animal empathy, you'd at least probably have a decent idea what your panther friend is feeling. At least that is my personal take on this.
How they are treated? As tools to min-max character
dodges angry panther