Ruby Carina

  • Race - Half-Elf
    Sex - Female
    Height - 5,3
    Eye Color - Sunfire Orange
    Hair - Black
    Figure - Fit

    Far away deep in the land in between the Dragonsword mountains and the Purple Dust Plains, Lies a small dusty rural village on the brink of economic poverty. Eldest daughter of a village farmer, Ruby Carina past her time learning the ways of enlightenment at the local Temple from an elven monk named Elis'ir. Then, on one fateful day where the sun was set highest in the sky a large caravan from Khalab came to town to rest before making it's journey past the treacherous Dragonsword Mountains. That night during evening supper Ruby did not eat fore there was no food to eat. To make matters worse her mother was ill, due to malnourishment and overall poor health.

    Saddened by all of the problems that surrounded her she took her desert cloak and snuck out at before dawn into one of the caravanning wagons. By the time dawn came around the caravan was already making its way toward the mountains and in the last wagon sat a girl masked in a hooded cloak. Only her eyes were left revealed, staring back.. at the only home she knew and the only family she had. Determined to changer their lives for the better, she sets out for new adventure and new dangers knowing that this is the only way for her and her family.