FUArch's Click

  • Deacon Sterr

    1. About 1m 90.
    2. 78 kilo.
    3. Skin is Tanned and worn.
    4. He misses a eye, numerous scars across his chest and arms.
    5. One eye, Light Blue.
    6. Hair: Black.
    7. Accent : Amnish.
    8. Bears several Pirate tattoo's, although most removed, several tattoo's denoting his loyalty to his crew, sea and ship. One on the back of his neck. A white skull on a black sail, below it written Mary's Few, Never Dying. A large amount of text on the inner part of his lower left leg, in gothic font, reading:

    Twisting, twisting
    Hanging onna rope
    See ‘is feet dance lively
    Cause ‘is neck ain’t broke

    9. Commonly spoken languages: Common, Orcish, Thieves Cant.
    10. Race : Human
    11. Equipment Worn
    12. Equipment Carried
    13. Left Handed or Right Handed: Right Handed.
    14. Jewlery or Decorations: Several gold chains and golden (ear)rings
    15. Relatives (Would you look related to so & so) Donovan Sterr, Arran Sterr, Marcus Sterr, Katie Sterr, Darien Sterr, "Ocean Fyne" (Sarah Fyne), Angus Sterr, Daniel Sterr.


    Born poor in the Athaktla docks, his father being a sailor, his mother a prositute he never had much hopes for the future, or even growing up. His Father went back to sea before he was even born and his mother was not able to care for him.

    At a young age he learned to use his muscles and intelligence to make money, he been a dockhand, often stealing a bread or two from the right cargo so it would go unnoticed. But this work was not rewarding enough and he sought work down the docks.. all the way down. He became a thug at young age, he and the boys he crewed with often beaten up the other boy groups down the docks, claiming territory and making the merchants pay for protection.
    This however, did not go unnoticed..

    It was only a matter of time before the thieves guilds found out, and either wanted him gone or showed interest in him. One of the guilds showing interest was that of a rather infamous thief by the name of Mae'Var, he was known for his cruelty and paranoia, but still, deacon agreed to be employed by him just for the protection he could offer, and quikly rose up in the ranks, however not as the ordinary burglar or assassin, he could not do both, he didn't care for the lock picking, or pickpocketing, all a waste of time, he was more interested in the art of evading ones blow, and smooth talking. He became the epitome of a Swashbuckler, Reasonable good looks and a tongue of silver he often made sure Mae'var's ships reached destination, along with it's cargo.

    But as Mae'Var's ambitions grew, so did his lust for power and at some point, he tried to take over the main guild of the Shadow thieves in the docks, if it wasn't for some adventurers he would have succeeded, but he failed, his guild disbanded and given to the Adventurers. Deacon saw no need to serve a new master, Captained one of Mae'Var's ships and sailed out.. going for the smuggling and pirating life.

    Only a few weeks out of Port, his watchman spotted a ship on the horizon.
    Easy pickings so he would be told, a merchant vessel seemingly to be only manned by incompetent sailors, unexperienced fighters and a worthless captain to go with.
    He ordered his men to man the battle stations and await orders, the crew quikly followed orders and was just as convinced as he was, that this would be easy pickings.
    After a day's chase the ship gave up the run, and Deacon's crew boarded it, dispatching of any fighting guards easily, and taking the gold aboard. Easy victory, so they all thought.. and they set sail again..

    It was only then that it proven that the merchant captain, infact was a mage of reasonable power, having send a message to a nearby guard transportation vessel, that they were being chased by pirates, and the vessel quikly responded that they were well underway.
    Deacon's crew all passed out didn't know better as it was a easy victory, one needing to be celebrated by whine, more whine, and to much whine. Within four houres they were all drunk as a monkey, mostly asleep, in no shape to really pose a fight to a ship as that what was approaching them. A day passed..

    Then it came..

    "Cap'n! Ship ahoy!": The lookout shouted!
    Deacon slowly walked out of his cabin What is it! He said with a face that had headache written all over it
    "Guard's Captain! A shitload o' 'em to!"
    Deacon looked at the horizon himself, cursing under his breath.
    He ordered the men to take battle stations, as the wind didnt allow them to get away, this would turn out to be a fight.
    A bloody one, 'at that.

    They closed to each other..


    The noise of cracking wood, they rammed! Boarding parties away! They were under attack, however they did manage to stand their ground, Deacon fighting just as hard as the crew did. However they were outnumbered, and could only last so long, as Deacon would soon find out, quikly being surrounded by 3 men he got stabbed and cut where they could get him. He fought like a lion, disabling two of the three, with what others would call, lucky hits. The third however posed more of a problem, a skilled fighter who dodged his blows, but rarely struck back.. as if he was playing. Then, he got him.. A stab between the ribs.

    Deacon grinned victoriously..

    "Thought ye could take me eh? Fool"..

    With that said, the sailor gave his deathgrin.. firing a handcrossbow he had hidden under his sleeve, instantly hitting Deacon in the eye.
    Not a fatal shot, but good enough to make him lose it, permanently as it would seem, beyond healing.
    The attack did get fenced off though, crew talks off fishmen coming to their aid, dispatching of the guards..
    Others speak off a lightning storm, frying each and every guard, setting their ship alight..
    Most just blame it on a leak on the guard vessel, and a wee bit to much ale for Deacon's crew..
    One thing is sure, this is where Deacon got his everlasting loyalty to the Queen, The Bitch Queen, or Umberlee as she is called.

    His ship being badly damaged, and half his crew slaughtered, and most of the gold mysteriously dissapearing, Deacon set sail for the nearest continent..

    The continent of Narfell..