Flom's Gents

  • Name: Nathen Wingates – Nate.


    ~IC Information

    Current Age: Twenty three human years. (23)

    Attitude: His usual modest, polite and reserved smile seems to please the eye for one reason or another. He has a calm demeanor. He likes to think every move he makes is a calculated and right one. His eyes hide a mental discipline and will to fight for what he believes in without regret or hesitation. In combat or in a friendly duel, his attitude changes completely. Any manners he may have had become an epitome of sarcasm and ridicule, although he is known to excuse this afterwards should he see fit. If asked about this sudden change of attitude, he explains that 'fancy' wordplay is just another tactic to use against an enemy.

    Appearance: This bard isn't older than his early twenties. His hair is a light black, although he dies it an even lighter shade of red for one reason or another. His body, although not intimidating, is very well toned and muscled. There is a certain grace, almost un-noticible unless he is in a sparring match against one of his friends or moving around in combat.

    Appearance, Part II. (Equipment worn): He is almost always wearing his trademark set of golden, black and cerulean blue armor. On his wrists are shining bracers, shimmering and glowing, almost impossible not to notice. His feat and heels are protected by a nice set of warm, furry, comfortable boots that look like they could walk for miles on end. Attached to his shoulder pads is a glowing, orange and red cape-style cloak. Around his waist is a scaley, black belt – tied tightly along a golden buckle. Tied to this belt is a morning star, sharp, clean and black -- Also with a faint pulsating glow. Beside it is a flail, it shakes consistantly, impossible to stop it from moving -- to the knowledgable, it's obvious that it has been sonicly charged. Hefted on his back is a silver tower shield, perfectly shined, treasured and well kept. Around his neck is a few tied strands of braided dirty blonde hair, hanging from a leather binding, amulet style. Around his finger, on his left hand, is a sparkling, pure white glowing ring, that sometimes cackles with faint electricity.

    Mystran Dogma: Love magic for itself. Do not treat it just as a weapon to reshape the world to your will. True wisdom is knowing when not to use magic. Strive to use magic less as your powers develop, for often the threat or promise of its use outsripes its actual performance. Magic is Art, the Gift of the Lady, and those who wield it are privileged in the extreme. Conduct yourself humbly, not proudly, while being mindful of this. Use the Art deftly and efficiently, not carelessly and recklessly. Seek always to learn and create new magic.

    **Tormite Dogma: Salvation may be found through service. Every failure of duty diminishes Torm and every success adds to his luster. Strive to maintain law and order. Obey your masters with alert judgment and anticipation. Stand every alert against corruption. Strike quickly and forcefully against rot in the hearts of mortals. Bring painful, quick death to traitors. Question unjust laws by suggesting improvement or alternatives, not additional laws. Your fourfold duties are to faith, family, masters, and all good beings of Faerun.

    ~Common Statistics

    Height: 5 foot 8"
    Weight: 160 Lbs - All muscle.
    Skin Tone: A lightly tanned complexion.
    Skin Texture: Smooth skin.
    Eyes: An erie mix of dark green and light blue.
    Hair: Long, thick orange hair.
    Accent: None.
    Recognizable Features: The symbol of Mystra tattooed over his chest and ripped back.
    Commonly spoken languages: Common and Elven.
    Race: Human.
    Left Handed or Right Handed: Right.
    Jewlery or Decorations: Strands of thick, dirty blond hair, leather-bound around his neck.
    Relatives looks related to: None.

    ~OOC Information

    Playing Status: Active.

    Regional Feats (Concept Related): Artist, Skillfocus: Perform.
    Current Character Level: Bard (9)
    Time spent in Narfell: Seven IG Years. (7) – 6-8 OOC Months.**

  • Narfell Classic Character

    Name: Evan Donleys – Evan.


    ~IC Information

    Current Age: Twenty six human years. (26)

    Attitude: He carries himself with a smug grace, and wryly amused look in his eye. He's often seen looking at his nails, or making sure his hair isn't messy. A real clean freak, this one, his clothing is almost always free of wrinkles, and if it isn't, you can expect to hear about it. He has a certain obvious, and snobbish air around him, daring the world to say something about it.

    Appearance: He is handsome, whatever charisma he has must be put into his looks, seen as how his attitude won't attract much good attention. He has shiny, light-black hair and a fair skin tone. He has a decent constitution, looking healthy and of jogging capability. His strength is far from impressive, not that he'd ever admit it, he doesn't look like he can carry much, though he doesn't look skinny either.


    Strength: 10
    Dexterity: 14
    Constitution: 14
    Wisdom: 10
    Intelligence: 16
    Charisma: 12

    Appearance, Part II. (Equipment worn): Usually wearing a clean garb. Unlike the cliche wizard, he'll never be seen in a robe, instead favoring formal outfits or suits of clothing. His right hand is adorned with a silver ring, and he carries a small scroll case, which is buckled next to his spellbook at his belt.

    **Tormite Dogma:

    ~Common Statistics

    Height: 5 foot 8"
    Weight: 150 Lbs.
    Skin Tone: A fair complexion.
    Skin Texture: Smooth skin.
    Eyes: Ocean blue.
    Hair: Long, thick orange hair.
    Accent: Heavy Waterdavian.
    Recognizable Features: Clean garbs.
    Commonly spoken languages: Common, elven. Whether he knows more is unknown.
    Race: Human.
    Left Handed or Right Handed: Right.
    Jewlery or Decorations: A silver ring on his finger, two earrings on his left ear.
    Relatives looks related to: None.

    ~OOC Information

    Playing Status: Active.

    Regional Feats (Concept Related): Various spell focuses.
    Current Character Level: Wizard (5)
    Time spent in Narfell: Newcomer.**

  • Name: Clayton Hocke – Clay.


    ~IC Information

    Current Age: Twenty six human years. (26)

    Attitude: His demeanor, much like his facial expressions are always calm, collected and cool. Although this can easily be seen as cold or distant, he isn't at all the anti-social type. Polite almost to a fault, this young man speaks slowly and articulates perfectly.

    Appearance: His muscle mass is well toned and admirable. Smooth, well kept blond hair hangs at the sides of his pale visage. His dull grey eyes take in every single aspect of his surroundings. He seems to be just entering his early twenties.

    Appearance, Part II. (Equipment worn): The attire this man is that of a dull set of splint mail. To his left you will find a sheath buckled unto a blackened belt, within it lies a sharpened long sword. On his back you will see a large, pale wooden shield.

    Hoarran Dogma: Uphold true and fitting justice and maintain the spirit of the law, not the letter of the law. Fitting recompense will always accrue for one's actions. Violence will meet violence and evil pay back evil, but good will also come to those who do good. Walk the line of the Doombringer's teachings, seeking retribution, but do not fall into the trap of pursuing evil acts for evil's sake, for that way is seductive and leads only to one's downfall. Vengeance must be sought for all injustices, and all punishments must fit the crime. Revenge is sweetest when it is sharpened with irony. All attacks must be avenged. Those who do not respond to attacks against their person or that which they hold dear only invite future attacks.

    ~Common Statistics

    Height: 5 foot 9"
    Weight: 156 Lbs - All muscle.
    Skin Tone: An extremely pale complexion.
    Skin Texture: Smooth. yet not fragile.
    Eyes: Dull grey.
    Hair: Pale blond hair, hanging loosely.
    Accent: Speaks in a calm manner.
    Recognizable Features: Scars on his back and thigh.
    Commonly spoken languages: Common.
    Race: Human.
    Left Handed or Right Handed: Right.
    Jewlery or Decorations: Nothing.
    Relatives looks related to: None.


    Name: Von Du'Sharre – Von.


    ~IC Information

    Current Age: Unknown.

    Attitude: He is quiet, observant, what some would call mysterious, but what most would call anti-social. He speaks clearly and sharply… with a hint of edged restraint.

    Appearance: His facial features are hidden by the usual cowl and mask he wears. His hair color is not known. His skin tone is hidden. The robes this man wears creates the illusion of gliding movement, smoothly and silently… that is, when not in fullplate.

    Appearance, Part II. (Equipment worn): The attire this man is that of a robe of the purest blacks and darkest purples. Black gloves cover his hands… and not a spec of skin is shown.

    **Diety's Dogma: Unknown.

    ~Common Statistics

    Height: 5 foot 9"
    Weight: Unknown.
    Skin Tone: Unknown.
    Skin Texture: Unknown.
    Eyes: Unknown.
    Hair: Unknown.
    Accent: Speaks with a restraint edge.
    Recognizable Features: Unknown.
    Commonly spoken languages: Common.
    Race: Presumed Human.
    Left Handed or Right Handed: Presumed Right-Handed.
    Jewlery or Decorations: Black robes.
    Relatives looks related to: Unknown.

    ~OOC Information

    Playing Status: Semi-Active.

    Regional Feats (Concept Related): Coming soon.
    Current Character Level: Cleric (5)
    Time spent in Narfell: A few years – 2-3 OOC months.**

  • Name: Todo Hobins – Todo.

    Portrait: Thank you Wild/Evacandovar for Photoshopping the kick-butt portrait. 😉

    ~IC Information

    Current Age: Nineteen hinnish years, (19) – Twenty seven Human years. (27)

    Attitude: Polite and good natured, this halfling is friendly and easy to get along with. Loyal to his friends, and even more so to his familey. Although his demeanor reveals a certain wildness, a care-freeness, his bright blue eyes hint a strong presence and will to stand up and fight whenever necesary.

    Appearance: This hin is the average height. Obviously young, most likely entering his late twenties (Which is comparable to late teens for hinnish folks.) His cloud white hair is most unnatural, yet very fitting. Bright blue eyes hint a certain amusement and cheer, as well as a keen, sharp intellect… yet you can't help but wonder what sad tale hides behind thier enthousiasm. He is muscled, quite well so. His skin is tanned and his stride is gracefull.

    Appearance, Part II. (Equipment worn): Coming soon.

    Yolandan Dogma: Those who seek to live in accordance with the way of the Provider will be blessed with a cornucopia of riches. Although violence should never be welcomed, the Protector's aegis extends to those willing to fiercely defend their home and community. Lead through example, knowing the activities of those you lead so you can shoulder their burden if need be. Treasure your family, for your parents gave you life and your children are your future. Care for the aged and the weak, for you never know when you may be one of the strong laid low.

    ~Common Statistics

    Height: 3 foot"
    Weight: 110 Lbs - All muscle.
    Skin Tone: A lightly tanned complexion.
    Skin Texture: Smooth skin.
    Eyes: A bright blue.
    Hair: Short, pure cloud white hair. Well kept and combed.
    Accent: None.
    Recognizable Features: His white hair, some scars on his back.
    Commonly spoken languages: Common, hinnish, among others.
    Race: Halfling.
    Left Handed or Right Handed: Right.
    Jewlery or Decorations: Lucky amulet around his neck.
    Relatives looks related to: None.

    ~OOC Information

    Playing Status: Inactive.

    Regional Feats (Concept Related): Luck of Heroes.
    Current Character Level: Rogue (1)
    Time spent in Narfell: Newcomer.

  • Name: Varen Rivera – Varen.


    ~IC Information

    Current Age: Twenty six human years. (26)

    Attitude: His facial expressions are plain to say the least. Usually calm, if not absent minded; he's more likely to show up late rather than early. Although quiet, the rogue has a few ticks he'd best be rid of – a major one would be his casual fidgeting. He constantly toys with his glove straps, armored torso pieces, or anything else he can get his hands on. Varen is quite easily distracted.

    Appearance: This young rogue’s deep blue eyes seem full of wry cunning and amusement, though his demeanor suggests a certain absence of mind. He has dark hair, hanging just below his ears. His muscle mass is impressive, although not really imposing. His confident stride possesses an uncanny grace.

    Appearance, Part II. (Equipment worn): The attire this man has shows numerous pouches, coupled with daggers or light blades, each attached to a casual system of straps and sheathes. A rapier, two shortswords, two daggers as well as some throwing knives and a longbow.

    Diety's Dogma: ???

    ~Common Statistics

    Height: 5 foot 9"
    Weight: 145 Lbs - Mostly muscle.
    Skin Tone: A lightly tanned complexion.
    Skin Texture: Regular skin.
    Eyes: Deep dark blue.
    Hair: Dark hair, below his ears.
    Accent: None.
    Recognizable Features: Scars on his arms.
    Commonly spoken languages: Hin, common, elven. (More to come)
    Race: Human.
    Left Handed or Right Handed: Ambidexterious.
    Jewlery or Decorations: Nothing.
    Relatives looks related to: None.

    ~OOC Information

    Playing Status: Inactive.

    Regional Feats (Concept Related): Improved Parry, Skillfocus: Parry.
    Current Character Level: Rogue (2) Ranger (1)
    Time spent in Narfell: Two IG Years. (2) – 2 or 3 OOC Months.

  • Name: Alan Schek Del'noire – Alan.


    ~IC Information

    Current Age: Twenty five human years. (25)

    Attitude: The lazy look in his eyes, coupled with the faint sarcastic smirk playing his lips allows you to read him like a book. He has a carefree demeanor. His voice is young and distant – low, yet amused. Cold and calculated, yet not devoid of passion, his facial expressions hide his inner feelings well enough.

    Appearance: He is obviously young. His body is compact, lean, and muscled. His eyes, gleaming with intelligence, are an icy blue. His lips are tightly sealed and pursed in a perpetual grin. A scar runs down his left cheek to his chin.

    Appearance, Part II. (Equipment worn): Almost always wearing a formal, expensive collared shirt underneath his armor. His armor is a well kept set of chain mail, although not shined or polished too well. A greatsword sheath is on his back, the blade itself somewhat old and a tad dulled.

    Akadian Dogma: The teachings of the Akadian amount to a doctrine of finding one's own enlightenment. The Akadian feels that one can only find truth in what one is interested in and as soon as interest fails, all chance of finding spiritual growth has left an activity or place. Therefore, must move from activity to activity, from place to place, _pursuing a personal dream or series of interests and growing through the changing experiences each new day brings. The Akadian pays little attention to resistance to its doctrine; such obstacles will be worn down over time. Few maters are ever deemed so important that he/she feels the need to commit itself to a particular cause. The only stance that the Akadian faith takes adamantly is that its members and its priests should not be fettered or imprisoned; such a condition rapidly leads to the onset of depression among the faithful and a languishing death.

    ~Common Statistics

    Height: 5 foot 9"
    Weight: 175 Lbs - All muscle.
    Skin Tone: A tanned complexion.
    Skin Texture: Tight skin. Arms slightly scarred.
    Eyes: A deep dark brown.
    Hair: Short, curly, black.
    Accent: None.
    Recognizable Features: Scars on his arms, one scar running down his left cheek.
    Commonly spoken languages: Coming soon.
    Race: Human.
    Left Handed or Right Handed: Right.
    Jewlery or Decorations: A thin gold chain hidden beneath his shirt and armor.
    Relatives looks related to: None.

    ~OOC Information

    Playing Status: Inactive.

    Regional Feats (Concept Related): Dodge, dirty fighting.
    Current Character Level: Fighter (1), Wizard (4)
    Time spent in Narfell: A few months. – 2 OOC Month(s)._