Ceruleans and the burnt house

  • _The tragedy that struck the Meynor family, good citizens of the Jewel caused quite a gossip in the Residential District. Married for years, yet without any children, they seemed to welcome their newly arrived cousin, Aana, with a visible rejoice.

    Their happiness did not last for long however. After few weeks of her arriving, the fire struck at their house, collapsing the roof and killing them both. And few days later Aana found east of the town, dead - some claim it was a suicide.

    But why would a young, beautiful girl, that just inherited a fortune kill herself?

    And why Cerulean Knights locked the house and questioned every law abiding neighbour like they could be responsible for what happened?

    And there are also rumours about beggars, or other shady individuals that were seen at the place, and ran away as if seeing ghosts..

    Something strange is going on, but no one seems to understand what exactly is happening in the Residential District._

    ((There will be event on Sat 2 Jan, 15:00 GMT. Anyone interrested is welcome to participate)).

  • _It seems that senator Adrian Petrarch took a personal interest in the inheritance - himself personally delivering the deed to a town called Anderburg. The group that accompanied him there was quite large, numerous adventurers and some defenders came along as protection.

    The stories they bring back range from horrific to terrible and worse. It seems the Zhentarim are involved, a water demon or spirit, and some very twisted wishes. Some even say that the town is now destroyed - whether that is the work of the adventurers, the defenders, the Zhenatrim or demons is unclear - most likely seems that it was a bad combination of all those.

    According to the stories, though, the last few survivors of Anderburg left the town behind for good - or because of evil?_

  • Legion

    // That makes it … right now? Crap. I'm trapped at work. >.<

    Good luck everyone!

  • // that makes it 2am Sunday morning… eep. On my wedding Anniversary.

    I probably won't be able to make it >_<