New Temple

  • _Recently, a gathering of several people was seen just inside the docks district. Stonemasons alongside Captain Aelthas of the Defenders speaking as they pointed out over the water. Alongside them were several others from various religions and organizations around the city as well as several workers from the district orphanage.

    Within days, workers seem to show up on the site to begin construction of something, the word being it's the Temple the Captain has been attempting to build for some time in cooperation with several other faiths. Finally a place for faiths such as Selune, Mystra, Valkur, Tymora and Lathander to worship and call their own._

    //Starting a new thread for anyone who wants to post any actions in helping with the construction, or make any comments, feel free. This includes DM's who have any npc's which are offering support and or help in it all.

  • An individual dressed all in grey visits the completed temple, unsure and speaking quietly all in Elven, it may simply be that he was lost. He left behind a single moonstone right by the outside altar, and was soon gone. Perhaps he gives too much faith to the docks Humans, to not 'steal' from a holy altar. Perhaps it's simply no-longer a concern to him.

  • _After months of work and the help of people from all over the land, the Temple is finally built, a bright beacon of light shining at it's highest point shining out over the Icelace. Selunites gather outside, the shrine to the Moonmaiden being consecrated and opened for all to pray at. Wagons are seen moving back forth through the orphanage and the new Temple as the Orphanage workers get ready to open their new school for the children of the city. Members of the other faiths seem to finish their work on the inside of the building, the Stonemasons coming and going to make the final additions to the interior.

    Although not fully finished inside, this new Temple offers the city hope in trying in times, the time for it to be completely open to the people of the Jewel is coming. Captain Aelthas himself being seen at the Shrine to the Moonsmaiden with his four children, showing them around before heading inside to help the orphanage and faiths finish up the last of the duties before the Temple is opened to all._

    //Building IG, still finishing up the last of the interior, hopefully soon!

  • _The construction of the island seems to be going along well, thanks to the help from all who offered it, the last of the dirt is brought in by elementals, mages and workers alike and packed tightly, offering firm support for the large structure. The crew working on it are given the next few nights off as the Stonemasons survey the area with the representatives of the faiths and Aelthas himself.

    When work begins again, scaffolding is the first thing to be set up, large stones, finely cut are moved to the site, the walls of the temple slowly rising up over several days, each stone seeming to be carefully placed. Although there seems to be much more work to do, the people involved in the building of the Temple seem to be pleased with how the construction is moving along._

  • If the workers are working on into the dusk or night, a blonde-haired, green eyed Defender Archangel can be seen casting Light spells to keep the site well lit for their work.

  • Having no real talents other than his speed, Ridush approachs several of the various foremen of the different projects and offers to be a liason and carry messages to the different work groups to coordinate their efforts.

  • _Belma'r stumbles upon the work for the temple one day, and finds out what is going on and that they are looking for volunteers. After a lengthy conversation trying to determine what a volunteer actually is Belma'r decides to help out, although his understanding of the meaning doesnt seem to be right.

    First he tries to help by summoning his Slaad to carry heavy things, then he tries to blow up the dirt int he direction of the island. The slaad gets board and Belma'r is forced to hastily unsummon it when it starts taking a bath in the lake and stopped helping. Also his brand o helping move dirt is quickly stopped and he is asked to never volunteer again_

  • Legion

    In the very early hours of the morning, before most folks are awake, someone may spot Marty in her swiming trunks. She casts an elemental protection spell on herself before diving into the water to warn the fish and other sea creatures to keep their distance. She's been doing this for a while now

  • After hearing of the beginning of the construction, Adriell offers her assistance by using some summoned Earth elementals as well spells to ease the burden of the work.
    Seeing her apprentice, she begins to work alongside him, and does her best to offer guidance to any in ways of not harming the environment there.

    Over the course of several days, she also begins to purify the water there in docks as much as she can, attempting to cleanse the pollution there in the waters.

  • ::Attentus helps with strength and polymorph spells::

  • Gnomish mage Caramella squints in surprise at the goings on, chirpily offering her own assistance once some kindly soul or other explains matters. After some preparation, yet another umberhulk can be seen at the construction site, this one looking much as if it has used it's confusion powers upon itself. It stumbles about, emitting a high-pitched chittering sound whenever bumping into something or someone, or when it happens to catch sight of it's own oversized claws. If the skittish behavior wasn't a dead give-away, the bright green hat perched on top of the umberhulk's monsterous head leaves no doubt as to the creature's true identity. After a day of well-meaning, accidental wreckage, Caramella settles for providing the real workers with sweet refreshment pastries, cookies and seemingly endless mugs of tea, all produced from within the mysterious depths of her big hat.


    Cerulean Knight Lycka takes great interest in the project, for obvious reasons, often bringing her and Aelthas four children along to watch. Though sometimes managing to sing a cheery song for the workers or aid them with extra strength, most of Lycka's time seems to be spent chasing four very happy, very muddy children around.


    From within the Lucky Ferret, Sabre keeps an eye on the construction, offering no direct help and no comments, though there does seem to be a fairly generously proportioned and affordable lunch special of pea soup, fresh bread and ale served at the inn.

  • ICC

    Raman also helps a bit by using spell such as polymorph, monster summoning, bulls strenght and other helpful spells…

  • Theodopholus Silverleaf shows up from time to time. After convincing them that he is not capable of the great spells needed to create the island, Theo helps with Wood and Stone Shaping, working under the direction of the carpenters and masons to form precrafted structures for the site.

  • _After studying the efforts for a while, Aristos pulls a few of the most productive workers aside and casts Bulls Strength and Endurance spells on them.

    When unsavory weather rolls in from the lake, he casts elemental protection spells on those who seem like they will be working through the storms._

  • _Captain Lorn Hresh can be seen tramping about the construction site occasionally whilst off duty, lending his one good arm to aid here and there. After a few appearances, a few of his marines appear to follow his example, no doubt hoping for the blessings of Valkur for ther efforts.

    Rhyla Featherdown has also made appearances, with a cadre of laciviously dressed men and women in tow, though whether she is there as a faithful supporter or to offer the volunteers some discounted relief from their toils is anyone's guess._

  • Cerulean Squire Aristos watches the effort to create the island seemingly at a loss as to how he can assist…

  • _Among the volunteers from Spellweaver is the Keeper, known around the city as Celebring, Knight of the Cerulean Stars and Advisor to Senator Fisher.

    He summons Water Elementals to move sand beneath the water, helping to push it up into an island for the Earth Elementals. Having some experience in earlier construction efforts, and an interest in Transmutation, he utilizes an Arcane practice of Stoneshaping to assist the Stonemasons in their work._

  • Although Aelthas himself cannot transform into any helpful umber hulk, he is seen hauling dirt by hand with other laborers while the mages use their magic. The actual effort itself is overlooked by the Stonemasons as they direct everyone in their efforts. The first objective, seems to be to build a small island just ten feet or so off the break wall, where the Temple will be constructed upon.

  • _Senator Ronan Redralen is seen helping with the construction of the temple. Earth elementals he creates help to move tons of earth for the construction. Occasionally he himself transforms into an umberhulk to move earth himself, though before he does he clearly warns everyone not to shoot the umberhulk, for it is he..

    With him are volunteers from Spellweaver Keep, offering their magics in help with the building of the temple._

    ((Keepies post whoever volunteered if ya want!))