PC: Lucius Dragnar - Player: Ricardo_Flexa
New to Narfell, but adjusting very well. He's fun to RP with and is becoming a part of things.
Congratulations Lucius Dragnar.
grins congrats Lucius!!
thanks for the trust
Token Authorized - and dropped - congrats
Been a pleasure to rp with. Adjusting to the server… and takes deaths in stride without letting it bother him from what I can tell. Polite, friendly, and I'm hopeful he'll be a great addition to the server!
tosses in a vote...
He has my vote.A nice person to be in the server.
What ive seen makes me give a vote!
Like Sethan indicated, Lucius is new to Narfell and seems to be adjusting to the environment of the server. He's polite in and out of character and seems to be able to roll with the punches Narfell can put out!
Here's my vote!
Adriell approves of this message.
Has my vote.
If I wouldn't be so forgetful I would have nominated him myself.