The Salty Seadog's Challenge! ((Sunday 8th))

  • The Lucky Ferret Inn is proud to present:

    The Salty Seadog's Challenge!

    Compete for the title of Lucky Ferret's champion in a total of four events, soaked in dockside flavour and daring-do!

    Let's Go Clubbing:

    Is there anything more basic and solid than a good, stout club? Here at the Lucky Ferret, we think not, and with this trusty and timehonoured thug's tool, we start off things off by taking our contestants back in time to a cave-man inspired contest filled with growls, grunts, loincloths and big, bad clubs, ugh!

    The specially made Ferret clubs may look large and brutal, however to avoid unpleasant and potentially terminal injury and any following lawsuits, all clubs are made of a lightweight wood.

    //win by subdual, club and outfit provided by the house.

    Prick the Ponce:

    The rapier - a whimpy toothpick to some, yet to others a stylish and elegant weapon symbolizing skill's triumph over the cave-man's brute force. Our second event, "Prick the Ponce", is a fencing tournament for swaggering swashbucklers and poncy noblemen alike, all allowed to test their mettle against the Lucky Ferret Inn's grand champion, the Terror o' tha High Seas, John Isle! True to the nature of the weapon, this contest isn't about subdual, but focuses on skill, swiftness and accuracy.

    //win by number of hits scored, rapier and outfit provided by the house.

    The Fish-Slapping Dance:

    For our third contest, it's time to get silly! The Fish-Slapping Dance is a test of balance, as our fearless competitors are outfitted with fish clubs, filled with grease. The goal is to remain on your feet as the grease spills across the deck with every slap and swat from the weapons. One slip and it's all over..

    //first to hit the deck loses, whether from subdual or slipping in grease. Fish club and outfit provided by the house.

    and finally:

    The Fancy Fishwife's Free For All:

    Yes, that's right, the night's finale is a good old-fashioned free-for-all in the already greased-up ring. Anything goes within house rules, and the last seadog still standing is proclaimed winner, yarr!

    //win by subdual, any equipment allowed, magic allowed within house rules: no healing, no hiding and no area spells that harm the audience.

    Fabulous Ferret prizes for each event, and the coveted "Salty Seadog Cup" for our over-all winner and champion!

    //the event begins Sunday 8th at 9 in the evening, central european time - that's 8 pm GMT and.. whatever time it might be in the great beyond. 😉

  • _The Salty Seadog's Cup is now concluded, and after a long evening's mirthful chaos, a grease-stained Sabre click-clacks to her quarters in her festive blue high heels, wearily clutching a mug of rum for company.

    The event drew quite a crowd, including Peltarch high-profile guests such as the lady Vlana Borodin, Senator Rath Ashald and well-known courtisan Rhyla Featherdown, but also more than a few Oscuran nobles, the latter seeming inspired for similar activities in their own city.

    Fine entertainment was provided by Master Gaerielle of the bardic college, who started the contest off with a cheery song about the Lucky Ferret Inn. The Lucky Ferret's own inofficial cheer-leading squad consisting of working girls and the strange fellow known as "Banana Man" also did their best to raise already high spirits as the first event kicked off.

    Let's Go Clubbin'! This cave-man inspired slugging match saw a lover's final, as Yana and Jay thumped each other soundly for the number one spot. Jay proved the ultimate cave man in the end, with Yana a good second and Far Scout Raul in third - all three rewarded with the Ferret's special prize, the "Boo-Boo Bone Necklace".

    Next came a contest focusing more on skill than brute force - at least initially! Famed scallywag John Isle was the man to beat for this duelling contest, each competitor provided with a rapier with a dulled down tip, sparking with each hit scored. After a number of exciting and surprisingly even matches, John was finally bested by his crewmate Jay, who then soundly whopped all remaining competitors to take the first place in "Prick the Ponce". John claimed second place, and Raul ponced his way to third, all three rewarded with the Lucky Ferret's custom designed "Golden Toothpick", a miniature golden rapier.

    Thirdly, and most eagerly awaited by some, was the Fish-Slapping Dance, in which all contestants were provided with a large, stout fish filled with grease, as well as water-proof black outfits. This contest was filled with the element of chance, as even one as sure-footed as Senria ended up planting her rear on the increasingly slippery floor. Black Sails own admiral Drelan Ashire stood his ground until the final, a three-way between himself, John Isle and Raul, the latter ending up keeping his balance the longest. All three were awarded with splendid trophy fish, grease-filled of course.

    Last but not least came the Fancy Fishwife's Free for All, with a special and coveted prize to compete for, a rod donated by the house of Borodin, enchanted by the lady Vlana herself. In true Black Sails fashion, the many crewmembers competing took special delight in targetting their own, with Jay being a primary target initially. The last three standing were the slippery John Isle, admiral Ashire and Raul, the latter gaining victory after managing to freeze the usually strong-willed admiral with a spell.

    Finally, with Jay and Raul having won an equal number of contests, a last match between the two settled once and for all who the Saltiest Seadog is. Jay took the title and the grand trophy: The Salty Seadog's Cup - a large, incredibly ugly gilded statue bearing a startling resemblance to a certain dwarven priestess of Umberlee. Just like the real thing, this trophy version is said to vent noxious fumes.._

    //my thanks to all the players and DM's participating in the event, to my brain-storming co-horts Aeo and Wyvernywyn, and special kudos to DrD and Johant for keeping me from complete toolset trauma.. apologies for the delay in starting the event due to just those issues! :oops:

    Hope everyone had a good time!

  • Preparations are ongoing for the festivities at the Ferret, manager Sabre Seesaw bustling about and unpacking crates of equipment. Rumour has it there will be an extra boon to look forwards to during the evening, as Master Gaerielle of the Bardic College is said to be performing.

  • Count Yana in!

  • Frowns… ((I work 1:30-10 US EST this Sunday, no fun shenanigans for Telli it seems! The events sounded fun and different too....have a blast folks!))

  • //Greece ought to be GMT +2, just like Finland, which means the event starts at ten in the evening your time, Sunday 8th.

  • That will be quite a show.

    By the way does anyone knows what time is it in Greece?

    I am not good at all at this 8O

  • //For the US folk I believe this is 3 pm EST.

  • Wog is seen to already be preparing for the events, however in rapier practice he keeps accidently snapping them in half