Norwick Besieged

  • _Over the period of several days, a heavy force of Tainted and undead lay siege to the southern defenses of Norwick. A number of redcloaks fall in the attack; scores of attackers are slain.

    The horrors are many, from undead wyverns to shambling undead animals to tainted goblins and bugbears.

    The outer works fall, and Norwick's defenders fight the enemy at the top of the hill in the South Valley, finally driving them off after killing a huge patchwork cat draped in shadows. The siege is lifted for now.

    A hurried conference after the battle sent a band of adventurers moving north, and a force of redcloaks south._

  • ICC

    Following the cold weather, snow and dense fog Norwick was once again struck assumably by the hungry ones forces. This time a horde of undead animals and dozens of goblins layed siege to the gates. With the effort of the red cloaks and several adventurers the attack was eventually fought off after which the weather cleared up again…

  • Norwick's south gate was once again attacked by the forces of the Hungry One. The gates were held with the attack ending after a massive fourty foot tall undead heralding Orcus's arrival was slain.

  • A bird wings from the north side of town, to alert Dwin of something.

    Apparently, that was a time to strike.

    The adventurers were not seen again for quiet a time,but emerged again from the north shortly after the three druids of the group went racing through town back to the glen.

    It's hard to tell exactly, but it seems they wore expression of victory on their faces.

  • A hawk flys over Norwick, dropping a stone with a parchment attached. It lands at Dwin's feet as he waits at the gate.


    We were successful. Thank you and Norwick for your aid.


  • If room runs out in the healers and other nearby establishments for the wounded, Telli organizes some of the farmers and workers in the farmlands to help shift a barn into a make shift infirmary accompanied by several tents. The warmer area and extra blessings given to the land in the northern portion of Norwick will help those with similar values to the grain mother. With the farmlands well orchestrated and much of the effort focused on protecting the crops and picking them once ripe, Telli's afforded time to help those with more troubling aliments from the undead attack.

  • The chancellor paces at the gate eagerly awaiting word from the Circle about their (hopeful) success. Each bird that flies by, or rodent that scurries, catches his attention as he awaits an answer.

    ((is the hurried conference the one I was at at the gates? Trying to get caught up…))