The Taking of Skara's portal

  • ::Adlanail recounts a tale of this event round the south fire ::

    The defenders had strung out in a line just beyond the gate swords to the fore and archers to the rear. The sounds of battle coming from beyond the barred gates were suddenly drowned by a harsh cry of GOBLINS ! PORTAL !
    The archer line turned but could not get off many shots due to the press of brother archers blocking the line. As they fanned out to better their aim the goblins made the best of it streaming from the portal trying to rush the archer line only to be met by the onrushing swords.

    A melee ensued but the swords held their ground giving the archers time to re-establish a line of deadly fire. Several scant minutes and the panting defenders we able to re-focus their formation to defend the gate once again. By this time one of the militia had inspected the goblin corpses.
    Skara's colours. There must be a portal in Skara's. I need a squad to go secure that portal.

    So Adlanail found himself among a group tasked with gaining Skara's and penetrating the depths of her lair. He smiled pleased to himself that he would be accompanied by his friend and brother wolf, Cervio. The others in the group though, he did not know and had not met before and yet would have to trust his life upon. He scanned them warily as they prepared by deciding what resources in blade and bow the group had.
    Two eastlanders, by their colours, stood to one side. One, a cutpurse by her garb, he later learned was called Senathe or somesuch and seemed to be the sister of the other who was dressed in the manner of their infantry and sported a mace. Adlanail never learned his name only that he seemed impatient to be on with the task. Three other swords borne by two strapping fellows and a female in armour seemed to be the only other protection that he would have as an archer. Another female, called Yolanda, and he were pushed forward to lead the group but rather than delaying the enterprise with further bickering he conceded leadership to her suggesting that were they forced to split their force he would be more than willing to lead one group. The ranger called Bow was the only other he recognised among the archers. These consisted of himself and his brother in arms Cervio, the ranger bow and a gnome and Halfling with crossbows. It was only at his suggestion that the group might benefit from the skills of a trap expert that he learned that Yolanda seemed to know the Halfling whom she called Gears was skilled in this area.
    And so they set off under Yolanda's direction towards the Norwick Graveyard with hopes of bypassing the army at the southern gate.

    No sooner had they set foot in the graveyard than they were beset by the disturbed souls of the residents in the form of Zombies and skeletons.
    A massed brawl erupted with arrows flying into the melee and the group being drawn left and right as more souls of the undead appeared. The male Eastlander gave a good account of himself and seemed to have the protection of his god which gave the undead pause and the archers time to regroup and finish them off.
    At the end Yolanda gathered them together and chided them, that, should they perform like that in future them they would not gain Skara's lair far less the portal.
    It was then decided that the swords should protect the archers and not pursue quarry but there were still some dissenting voices despairing of ever getting there alive, far less back, most notably the male eastlander. Such it was that Adlanail exchanged words with him in an attempt to keep him in line.

    From the far exit of the graveyard the group headed south but as they neared the wood those folk of the wood began to feel ill at ease. It was then he learned that the gnome followed Baervan Wildwanderer. Still, uneasy as they were, they entered the wood relieved to find only goblin skirmishers in the wake of the army camped at Norwick's gate. The goblin skirmishers and foul weather took their toll on the group and they retreated to the druid grove as a haven to rest up.

    The gnome informed the group the no weapons would be needed in the grove but even so many were reluctant to disarm. Adlanail had no qualms and immediately put away his bow and perched on a log for a few seconds respite. Just as he was contemplating rising a scream of DIRE BEAR ! clutched his senses.
    Relax he called over to the hastily arming warriors. It's the grove's guardian. It'll show you no malice so long as you show respect to this place.
    Is it a druid ? came from one of the group. No,only their guardian supplied Cervio, who had also been here many times.

    As if to emphasise the point the bear trundelled over to Cervio and nuzzled him forcing him to the ground with its affable strength. Even so the bear seemed agitated at the group or the almost palpable atmosphere in the woods and growled a warning staring at the exit. Having rested for the moment anyway the group decided not to risk the guardian's displeasure and proceeded with their task.

    They fought their way across the wood eventually arriving at Skara's cave where they tried to rest up before entering. The goblins would have none of it however and renewed their attacks with fervour.. It was then Adlanail noticed the Halfling, their insurance against traps, was missing. There was nothing for it but to press on, however, as to stay outside Skara's cave would surely see them fall.

    And so they entered, straight into the jaws of a pitched battle. Several times one of the defenders slipped and fell, buried in the goblin press only to have one of his comrades battle for an opening where healing could be applied. Faced with such competence, organization and solidarity the goblins were eventually forced to give sway and surrender to entrance to the task force. In the lull account was taken of the wounds received and such reparations as could be were made. Word was also given that one of the defenders had spotted an orc which had seemed to be directing the goblin attack. A tripwire was also spotted further back in the cavern behind which goblins occasionally appeared from a side-cave and sniped at the resting crew.

    Adlanail called for Cervio as he knew his brother at arms had keen eyes. Thus Cervio was tasked with scouting past the initial trap but not before Adlanail had called on Mielikki's aid to hide Cervio from goblin eyes. Cervio would also serve as a warning to allow the Eastlander lass to deal with the trip-wire undisturbed. At this point her brother began to get dismayed and demanded we should return to the town as further progress was useless without aid to deal with traps. It did not seem to dismay the lass or any other of the company however and he stormed off alone.
    For himself, Adlanail, was glad to be rid of him for all his skill in the fight. He still hadn' forgiven the Eastlanders for Grivel's death even with their recent aid for Norwick. The lass however, was making headway in restoring relations back to their normal grudging standoff as far as Adlanail was concerned.
    After she had dealt with the trap and Cervio had reported the lack of further traps up to a pair of great doors. The company proceeded to the doors and waited up.
    Listening to the doors they were able to spring them open and ambush in turn a goblin ambush which was being laid behind them. Inside the doors they pressed quickly on to a great cavern catching a number of goblin and the orc in the planning stages for some new surprise. The resulting battle caused a number of casualties among the company and even though the orc an a goblin shaman which seemed to be his subordinate escaped further into the cave system, no thought of pursuing them was considered before such healing as was available was distributed. A thorough search of the cavern produced some goblin healing potions and salves and also the remains of a corpse in one of the cells in the corner of the cavern. The remains were brought along for a decent burial such was the optimism that the company would return to Norwick

    So the company assembled partially renewed at the door through which the pair had escaped. Cracking open the door one of the elves was called for to peer into the darkness. Stepping up Adlanail pressed his eye to the crack discerning a ramp down and hearing some beetles beyond. He stepped quietly into the room motioning for the others to do likewise but barely half had crept into the passage before the beetles felt or heard the disturbance and quickly rounded the corner. A ferocious clash developed with some of the beetles spewing fire whilst the shaman behind them threw confusion into the mix with the aid of spells and explosions leaving many of the squad dazed. When the battle was over several of the defenders could barely stand and the armoured lass was only saved when she was heard to groan on the floor. The Shaman however had slipped away again leaving the beetles to their fate.

    Another attack would see the company and their mission fall. As they quickly debated what to do Adlanail noticed some mushrooms growing near the corner, which, if he was right, had curative and restorative properties. The mushrooms were quickly hacked up and distributed as the band retreated back up beyond the door to rest up and brew up the mushroom booty into useable salves.

    Wounds bound, salves applied and devotions made to gain such godly aid as could be gained. They progressed back down the corridor only to be met by more goblins including the shaman and orc. Several sallays along the corridor brought them eventually to a door through which both had retreated. Pressing home their advantage they charged into the room which indeed did contain the portal. In the battle for the portal one of the company's swords eventually succumbed to his wounds and even Adlanail was forced to drop his bow and resort to steel and shield.
    Eventually the orc and his cronies were forced to retreat through the portal.

    A search of the room brought little in the way of aid and Adlanail had to quickly scorch suggestions of pursuing the orc through the portal. Their mission was to hold or shut down the portal. So they started to erect barricades to hold the room if need. be. Still no means of shutting down the portal could be found and the fellowship had to watch with dismay as they saw elementals and constructs flicker in the portal's light passing by to who knows where. Traps were set up around the portal to forestall any means of attack from within the portal and the one attempt that did come was quickly put down.
    Still the dismay at not being able to shut down the portal was palpable.
    The gnome suggested a foray into other rooms which had been bypassed and went of to explore much to Adlanail's frustration backed up by the other of the swords and the aromoured lass while Cervio, Yolanda, the Eastland lass and himself held the portal.
    It was not long before the sounds of battle brought them running to aid the stricken group of explorers. It was thus they lost the last of the swords and the armoured lass.

    Yolanda then asked Adlanail if he could return invisibly to Norwick in search of a Mage or Druid to shut down the portal. So heart in his mouth he set off avoiding all not stopping running till he had breached the Norwick gates. Still no mage could be found who was willing or capable of attempting the feat.
    Asking around he learned that the druids had gathered in the wolves Den, to plan the final assault on the defilers temple. Throwing caution to the wind and praying that the eastlanders pact still held he sped headlong for the Den.
    There he convinced one of the attendees to go to norwick from where he said the portal could shut down. Exhausted Adlanail collapsed, there in the den, vowing to shake the hand of all who had accompanied him should they be relieved.

    (( Sorry if I missed anyone but there is a moral in that 😉 .
    Do something memorable or otherwise make yourself known to the bard.

    Eastlander lass = Senathe Milarr
    Eastlander Male = Lucas Milarr
    The Gnome = Namfoodle "nackerback" Ningle
    One of the Swords = Josh Webber
    The second Sword = Paul Amraphen
    The armoured lass = Belade Galadon
    The Halfling "Gears" = Tando "gears" Slipperyfoot

    If I've misspelt any names feel free to post corrections ))

  • ((I had a great time too… and although I am sure it was tense for you all... compared to the juggling chainsaws routine the other DMs were going through in other parts of Narfell during the Defiler event... I had a nice and relaxing evening with you all away from the hustle and bustle. Thanks for showing a girl a good time! 😉 x42))

  • ((Thanks to sciolist for aiding my poor memory for names and thanks to SMOO for a fun event and doing her best not to "swamp" us.

    It was quite frustrating in the end to hold the portal and have to watch all manner of "difficult" foes pass through in the thought that they were attacking Norwick but then…life's like that. 😉

    If you don't prepare properly you can't always get the job accomplished properly. ))