Spellweaver - note left at the door

  • *Vick leaves a note at the Spellweaver's keep to the attention of any interested enchanter. *

    Seeking the skills of an enchanter to make a set of tools for an adventuring sort. No weapons but would need someone with a fine touch and feel for hand and eye skills. I reside at the local inn and can be found there between noon and dark.

    Vick Blake

    //pm me if needed I know my in game times have been a bit limited of late.

  • Vick grins and bows Senator, I had nay expected to be met by your personage here. Er… I had been looking for a mage who might do some enchantments for my work with the Far scouts the city has provided much for me but there be a few small items I would like done..

    runs out of breath and smiles a bit nervously the continues

    I had exchanged some correspondence with a Master Celebring several months back about him finding someone to aid me in my request but I had nay heard anything and thought I would stop by next I was near Norwick.

    looks expectantly at Ronan

  • The door opens, and no wizard answers, but a sorcerer known as Ronan

    Visitors! Have you come for some tea?

  • Vick wanders down to the keep and announces himself at the door and waits expectantly for a wizard.