A Notice is Posted.....

  • A notice is posted throughout the city!

    _Come one, come all to the 1st Annual Grand Oscuran Masquerade Ball!

    Join us for an enchanting and mysterious masked evening including free food, drink, music, dancing, and a silent auction!

    Don't have a costume? Don't worry! We'll provide all clothing and masks for the evenings festivities.

    Sample new, exotic dishes and drinks, as the fun and frivolity is co-hosted by the Grey Blades and the Black Lotus. Then bid on mysterious, magical, and mystifying items, baubles, and trinkets in our first ever, silent auction. Once you've emptied your coffers, stay on to dance the night away with all the lovely ladies and handsome lads to wonderful string quartets, singing, and a surprise performance you won't want to miss!

    More details to come soon! (Date TBA.)

    If you are interested in having an item put up for sale in this auction, please contact Captain Senria of the Peacekeepers, for all donations. As long as it does not break the rules of our city, ANYTHING IS ALLOWED! From the sale, 5% will be collected to aid in defraying costs, as well as a portion being donated to feed the poor and better the conditions of slaves. The rest goes to the one donating the item!_

  • Come one, come all to the 1st Annual Grand Oscuran Masquerade Ball!

    Join us for an enchanting and mysterious masked evening including free food, drink, music, dancing, and a silent auction!

    Don't have a costume? Don't worry! We'll provide all clothing and masks for the evenings festivities.

    Sample new, exotic dishes and drinks, as the fun and frivolity is co-hosted by the Grey Blades and the Kyzanos Family. Then bid on mysterious, magical, and mystifying items, baubles, and trinkets in our first ever, silent auction. Once you've emptied your coffers, stay on to dance the night away with all the lovely ladies and handsome lads to wonderful string quartets, singing, and a surprise performance you won't want to miss!


    (This upcoming SUNDAY NOVEMBER 22nd 6 pm EST (US) time. 11 pm GMT 0)

    If you are interested in having an item put up for sale in this auction, please contact Captain Senria of the Peacekeepers, for all donations. As long as it does not break the rules of our city, ANYTHING IS ALLOWED! From the sale, 5% will be collected to aid in defraying costs, as well as a portion being donated to feed the poor and better the conditions of slaves. The rest goes to the one donating the item!

    (Please PM me with any and all items you wish to sell listing your character, the item you wish to sell, its properties, and the minimum price you wish for it)

  • A tired looking druid in his early thirties walks into town, and seeing the notice smiles.

    "I always liked costume parties."

  • ICC

    The Herald posts a few more over the illegally vandalized ones.

  • at night a sneaky halfling spends his time writing the following under the notices

    Do you really want to collaborate with the evil Oscura?

  • looks at the poster with a glint in his eye

  • Labur looks at the notice and focuses on the words food and more importantly drinks

    oi me be comin ter dis fur sure