Buying arcane spells

  • ICC

    A notice can be seen in the singboards of Peltarch and in the citys several inns.

    _Seeking arcane spells of different complexity. Do you have arcane scrolls you dont need or cant use yourself? Please talk to me, Raman the wizard and I will buy them for a fair price. Fair is decided on face to face meeting but I believe I can offer more than the merchants of Peltarch.

    You can often find me at the sundial or you can leave a message in any of the citys inns._ (This means PM)

  • Legion

    As he sees the notice Benji starts rummaging in his pack.

    <g>I'll be damned.

    He pulls a crumpled scroll that may or may not have been used as a handkerchief out of his pack and shuffles away.</g>