
  • As many have heard IC by now, my character Aelthas with several others are building a Temple to Selune, Mystra, Tymora, Valkur and Lathander, in the docks of Peltarch. I'm beginning to make the finishing touches on it to get it IG finally. I have come to a problem! I can't think up a good name for the Temple with five faiths such as these being represented in the name.

    I've spoken to Andelas, as this is my PC's temple and he said it would be a great idea to have a player competition for the name. You post the name you think would fit the Temple here and the winner will get a special custom item that I will make up in the toolset from the five faiths of the Temple.

    Only serious names please and let's keep this to posting only names, not comments on other peoples suggestions.

  • ICC

    The Safe Harbor Shrine

    The Sailor's Blessing

    Temple of Blessed Voyaging

  • I'm going to close this off on December 18th, so if you have anymore submissions, post them before then. On the 18th, I send the list without the player names, to another player to choose! I can't bring myself to choose the name!

    Post up.

    • Haven of Light


    • Haven of the Five Lights

    Haven - Implies sanctuary, as well as a place to stay for travellers, sailors and spiritual seekers.

    Light(s) - Because of the focus on goodness of deities, well being, good fortune as well as a guidance for those lost in dark (both in metaphorical meaning, as in literal in case of sailors).

    also variations with Temple instead of Haven:

    • Temple of Light
    • Temple of Lights
    • Temple of the Five Lights

  • Temple of Leeway

    I quote: "leeway - a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits"

  • ICC

    • The north star

  • The Icelace Temple

    House of Light

    Safe Harbour


  • Saint Nautilla's Rest

  • The Temple

  • Shining Luck of the Sea

  • Eternal Path.
    The Five Gates.
    The Great Hall of gods.

  • Legion

    Going for the basic:

    • Peltarch Pantheon
    • The Icelace Pantheon
    • The house of Shrines

  • Gonna poke this again, as I'm slowly but surely poking away in the toolset at it and arranging things IC. Construction should happen soon with any luck! So keep the names coming!

  • International House of Pantheons- I.H.O.P

  • ICC

    Church of the Quintet

    Temple of Moonlit Mysteries

    House of the Icelace Five

    Temple of the Lucky Waters

    House of the Lucky Dawn

    Shrine of Mysterious Luck

    Church of the Rising Moon

    Temple of the Benign Five

    Shrine of Magnanimous Mysteries

  • ICC

    United Faiths of the Five

  • The House of the Rising Sun?

    But seriously… Sun, Moon, Magic, Luck and Sailors...

    Most of the Sailory names end up sounding more like pubs..

    Anything referring too hard to Lucky and Sailors ends up sounding like a brothel....

    The Temple of the Quintad.... sounds like it's ripping off the triad...

    I don't think you can encompass everything of five deities in one name without it looking like you are reaching... we have an alignment spread, a portfolio spread... this is hard!

    The Cathedral of Calm Seas... maybe..

    Will think some more

  • Shining Glory

  • pah aeo I want to be a glamorous gal not gleeful! 😛

    I'm really digging the name, "Bite me, Umberlee." It really makes a statement…

  • -Sanctum of the Silver Smile
    -Festhall of Fine Fortunes
    -The Heavenly Hut
    -Domicile of the Daring
    -Temple of Twilight Travellers
    -Abode of the Brave
    -Shelter of Saintly Services
    -Pink Dragon Plaza
    -'Time to Assemble Voltron, team' Temple (couldn't resist playing off five)
    -Bite Me, Umberlee.
    -Orfanz R' Us
    -The Gift of Good Fortune
    -Association of Alliterative Allegorical Aids and Administrative Assistants

    Hopefully this brings at least a few grins and giggles for the gleeful gals and glamorous guys amongst our group. 😄