Labur Strin

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    Name: Labur Strin

    Labur was born into a world where the clerics of his clan commanded every aspect of the day to day lives of the people. When Labur was around ten and after years of being repressed, the common folk led by the fighters retaliated. The whole clan was split in two with those loyal to the priest and those against. Labur’s father grew to become his role model as he had a major role against the priest. Once, the break occurred Labur lost faith in the gods that the clerics had worshiped and still remains looking for deity to follow. This however has become hard because he now lacks trust in churches. After twenty six years of fighting, the most influential event occurred in his life. The death of his father. He then could not stand being on the front lines and in the conflict within the clan. So he decided to set out to see what else was in the world. He found a small village located on the banks of a river. Here a man told Labur about a huge city that could hopefully help Labur become a better fighter as well as a new and hopefully peaceful life. The city he talked of was Peltarch and Labur was on the next boat there excited about new opportunities. To avoid the past conflict in his life Labur has set off down the path of becoming a protector, always willing to help while always looking to fight off possible threats.

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