A Noble Funeral

  • _Trumpets sounding and criers shouting the news all over the city.. "Igor Borodin is dead!". Mixed emotions coming from the citizens, some saying a great man has died, one who provided jobs for many people across the Jewel, others saying more quietly that the Viper is dead, his Thayan friends may leave now. A few things are certain, the family and business has been publicly passed on to his eldest son, Grigor Borodin, in attendance for the public display were many citizens, several Senators including Kaster Lavindo and Rath Ashald, as well as many of the noble families all over the city and many Defenders and Guards.

    Igor's body being taken to a ship waiting in the docks, the ship leaving immediately after the signing over of the family to Grigor, the destination unknown, as the Residential District was full of song and drink as the family celebrated the life of old man Igor, the citizens receiving free food and drink so long as the supplies lasted. Whether Grigor is right for the job of running the Borodin business and family will likely be seen in the near future._