Preparing the Battle for Ormpur

  • Word starts trickling trough Peltarch, and then down the pass to Norwick, that a gathering is being called in the Lucky Ferret Inn in Peltarch soon, where everyone who wants to join… well, some call it a crusade, some call it a battle, others call it suicide... is invited to discuss battle plans. Whatever it may be, the cause seem to be the capture of the fort Ormpur from the undead.

    ((Meeting is planned next Sunday, August 30 to start around 3 PM GMT))

  • ICC

    Grak drains his tankard, swipes his mouth and belches loudly. Then he lets out his thoughts*
    "ya bunch talk much aboot gitting den undead outs und saving da town… But fer whut price, eh? Dis pretender ere points toward Hammerhandwould build some foolish temple dere, to further his lust fer power. Grak knows dat following dis pretender of Tempusss bes like sittin on cart withouts reins und letting dem donkey Points again to Hammerhand" wander freely. Ya nae needs ta bes stinky farmer ta know where dem donkey goes.. Right inta carrot field! Just like this pretender, his plan ta enact shrine und using ya people bes evident.
    Grak starts to head toward doors, obviously he has heard enough

  • "THe order of watchfull repose and the temple of kelemvor is currently reserching the problems with whats cuasing the undead, as it is our feild, we shall let you know about what we find out"

  • Albryanna makes a late appearance to the meeting and takes a seat by Devlin. Whispering to him every now and then, she tentatively listens to the ongoing conversations in thought

  • Valmar, who spends more time in the Ferret and its back rooms than nearly anywhere else, sits quietly in the corner listening, playing cards or dice with the more mundane patrons, a lass as often as not on his knee. His coin seems to be abundant, but it also seems to flow away from him towards ale, the women he keeps company with, or into the games he loses more often than wins. But to the keen observer, it is obvious his attentions are more on the conversation about Ormpur than any of his other distractions.

  • ((Can't make EST afternoon, unfortunately. EST evening is earliest for me)

  • ((Might get some time this coming Sunday in the EST afternoon if you want to scour Jiyyd. First I'll have to confer with my DM overlords on the status of that town and what you'd encounter there or at Ormpur.))

  • "I'll be stayin' topside if I have anythin' to say about it. No farkin' tunnels fer me. Not in demon and devil infested territory anyhow."

  • ((direct your questions to Strepsiades))

    _"Right. So can we assemble a group to scout the ruins for those celestials, and one to scout out the tunnels and see if they reach as far as Ormpur? We'll need a good variety of people with different skills in each, of course, if it isn't the same group.

    Sound off.. who wants to do what!"_

  • "The dark enchantress isnt that scary…. shes only killed me... thinks 3 times? And i dont think she lives there... and as far as i know the little lady was a girl necormancer, nothing to do with the lich"

  • caric who simply stood listening so far now take voice The tower that was spoken before is from wht i beleeve the home of the dark enchantres also known as the Litle lady,though not many have heard of her those who did still would feel shivers along their spine thinking of her, if she still lives there we're in deep troubles,so i would strongly advise investigating that place in the firts time. Afer all the undeads there might just be her litle pupets.

  • nods at hammer

    "I will do my best to find the problem…

    //we got a dm contact for jiyydish still? 🙂

  • That door magic door? Oh I've seen that. All you must do is cast a spell at it, and it will open.

  • _Calen stands slowly and proud after hearing all the talk and comments

    If dying there is what my Lord Helm calls for that my brethren may find peace, then so be it. We need to clear the lands and clense them as we go.

    looks to Ronan

    I know the tunnels under Jyyid reach to the plains and the tower you have spoken of. There once was a door, though locked and sealed magically long ago and I have n'er seen where the tunnel ahind that door leads. Tis deep in the tunnels and you can reach from the Jyyid well or that tower. Through the tower is also an underground way into Jyyid.

    I believe, if we fight, hold, and cleanse, small areas at a time, the land itself will begin to help us, just as Chauntea has blessed the water. We shall need, though, not only holy warriors and priests, but those of the circle and blessings of nature, as well to complete this task._

  • Regardless of whom seeks to claim the lands, a moot point at present.
    The important issue is seeking to lay the dead to a peaceful rest and striking a blow against the demons that infest those lands.
    After that victory, then any question of ownership can be discussed.
    Tis not a folly to seek the destruction of the very embodiments of evil and chaos…tis a noble and honourable task.

  • Ronan raises a brow at Yngdir and his speech, just watching him leave…

    Mmmk then. So, have we any productive plans instead of ill omens to offer? Anyone?

  • After his warnings go unnoticed, Yngdír tries again to speak to the muster.

    "_Forgive me. It may be blasphemy, to tell you that you will find no rest if you fall there. Or do you believe your spirits more true, and pure than those of the men who have fallen there already only to rise not as themselves? For every hero that you lead to death, so death will gain another hero. Or are all the champions on the path of good? Who then will stand up to the undead? Will a new generation of heroes join them next year, or the year after?

    My voice cannot change your quest - and that is to march to your doom. So be it, I will advise you further. The Legion holds an extensive collection of maps. Send one of your own to copy a map of the region for each of your captains. At least you shall know the way.

    For all of you heroes. You champions. You knights. I would die in Norwick where there are still lives to be saved, and women pray in the night for their children. There are no women or children in Jiyyd.

    I have said enough. I cannot be party to this._"

    After those final words the last that is seen of Yngdír in the city of Peltarch is a final glimpse of his grey cloak in the doorway of the Lucky Ferret inn, perhaps once again to journey to the southern realm.

  • Sedea giggles, sitting on the bar and watching.

    Count me in fer tha killin! I love bashin undead!

  • Ronan speaks

    It doesn't matter who now, it will not solve the problem by scolding them. It also doesn't matter, at this point, whom will get the fort now. We're here to discuss how to remove the undead.

    Does anyone know if those tunnels under Jiyyd reach out toward Ormpur? The source could be underground if that's the case. Also, there used to be many old caves out near Ormpur as well, though I've not seen them, which made me think they were collapsed during the war… though maybe not. There was also that strange tower nearby as well, which I don't know if the path to that was closed, but if we can, we should check that also.

  • Kosef replies…

    "A lot of problems would be solved if we could secure the area long enough for the clergy to sanctify the area, right? It wouldn't solve the entire damn problem, but it'd help. Also, I think having a little fort, whoever it hells be damned bloody belongs to, will be useful in flushing out whoever is causing all of this shite. If it's not the farking demons anyway. Eh, I read somewhere demons can summon other demons, it's all some vicious, endless bloody cycle, right? Fark me if we have to find the source of those things, which sodding bastard let those farkers run around?"