Word quickly spreads...Exterminatus

  • The Damaran Kelemvorite known as Kosef has quickly spread the word about his upcoming "Exterminatus" of the plains near the ruins of Jiyyd. He declares that he intends to exterminate every defiler of the dead in the area, then proceed to a mass burial of any unearthed bodies. Anybody interested in helping should meet him in the Peltarch commons before he leaves.

    //2:30 PM EAST Tuesday, that's 4:30 AM GMT Tuesday, not sure what it is in American times 😛

  • Kosef replies…

    "I'm talking about the actual plains themselves, not Jiyyd. I try to aim for the achievable whenever I do something, heh."

  • _Theaon approches Kosef

    "Perhaps you should speak with Major General Grag of the Troff Legion. He and other Legionaires have been in Jiyyd for months killing off the undead and demons that inahbit it. We would certainly welcome any help you offer."_