Friendly approch to the city traders

  • Caric Snowgrffin present him self to every single trader of the city asking if they are in need of any help,assistance or if they hav any situation needing resolved. Then he lets them know he is available most of the time if any thing would come up and usualy can be foud in the commons and that he lodges at the Singing Mermaid. Leaves each of them with warm smiles and wishes them a nice pleasant day.

  • Caric also speaks to the various trading company explaining he's done many caravan guarding in his young life and that he'd be more then willing to do more of them.

  • Caric approaches lady Lacey at her shop/shrine and let her know he is all disposed to serve her as he considers himself to be a faithfull servant of Sune.explains his various abilities and express is ideal of becoming a champion of the godess

  • Caric Answers that he cares little for rewards and would gladly helpfreely in small ways unless the treats are real and costy in healing supplies in wich case he will expect the cost of his healing supplies back plus a reward that would be worth the task accomplished though Caric says to be quite reasonable. As for skills he is warrior and a bard so fighting,understanding,Negociation anything that would require some lore would be his strenght Caric also posses some leadership should more adventurers be needed for a task

  • The local traders' first question is how much he wants for his time, and their second is what his skills are.

  • Caric answers Rat killing? Is that all you have to worry about? Heh well if i can kill giants and ogres rats would'nt be a problem and i killed more vermins then i could ever count when i was living in the caravan city.But tel me does it pay?

  • The Dolvak Extermination Service responds with a query about prior rat-killing experience. Do ya have any?