Hey There.

  • Well hi. I'm fairly new to Narfell, and NWN itself, really, after having my brother practically hound me to play it. I'm quite liking it thus far, though unfortunately can't be on a whole lot.
    My character is Alara Faye, and well, I hope to see you all around? 🙂

  • @3352a80f65=rei_jin:

    The best bard is a bard who is not a bard….

    A level in fighter will make any bard tougher, as he's then a singing fighter who casts spells outside of combat 😉

    I always wondered what Maya would have been like, had the RP gone differently. When I created the character, she was originally supposed to be Barb / Fighter / Bard, and sing the praises of Uthgar while swinging a greataxe. It was even hinted at in her background, when she brought work in a lumber camp to a standstill with a song.

    It never worked out like that, but she kept the CHA of 14.

  • @3440dc4b94=M_O_B:

    I actually cried a little because she made a tree hugger!

    Malika starts posting flyers on every tree in the woods depicting a man with a short white beard and a red, white, and blue striped hood. The man is pointing and the slogan underneath reads
    I Want You

  • Welcome and since you have already been warned about your brother and MOB is such a wonderful person :),

    Just wanted to say Hi and see you IG.

  • ICC


    Who would be so cruel and inhumane as to run a pirate down?? Poor guys sob What did Pirates ever do to you????

    To quote:

    A long time ago, back when men were men and having a hairy back was a sign of viriality, there was a breed of man that was saltier,meaner, and more spiteful than all the rest. This specimen of Masculinity stood apart from the peasants and pansies of the day who saturated every unexploited seaport. Today, pirates stand as a monument of anger and ill temperment triumphing over cool-headedness and positive emotions.


    Look forward to seein ya in game!


  • Thank for the welcomes 🙂


    How much of a noob are you?

    Er, a lot? xD

    Pfft dwarves are silly, I actually cried a little because she made a tree hugger!

    Better than a Pirate 😞

    I can also see him doing something evil like making your spawn point the middle of the warrens.

    I wouldn't be too surprised =/

  • The best bard is a bard who is not a bard….

    A level in fighter will make any bard tougher, as he's then a singing fighter who casts spells outside of combat 😉

  • And I quote,


    Some bard: [tell] Heh, bards…so useless 😛

    Me: [tell] Not true, there's a lot you can do with a lifeless corpse.

  • Hey! Edward did come back and save you all…after he heroically ran away. You can't expect too much from teh bards.

    Pfft dwarves are silly, I actually cried a little because she made a tree hugger!

  • ICC

    There is something you should know…..

    your brother is a bloodtyhirsty maniac!!!!!

    This is how he gets you....

    <edward swann="">Hey, what level are you?
    <marcus>Um....Hi......lvl 1
    <edward swann="">Great! I'm getting some Lowbies together to adventure, wanna join?

    <marcus>Sure! Awesome!

    ....Then, 10 minutes later....

    <marcus>Hey, why are we called Edwards few. Why is the Battle cry "Death before Glory" ?? that does not sound right....

    ....3 minutes later....

    <marcus &="" all="" the="" others="" from="" "the="" few"="">Hey Bones, yup, we are most certainly in the Fugue again. sigh


    So watch your back! And don't kick the drunks, they have feelings too!!

    Mkable ;)</marcus></marcus></marcus></edward></marcus></edward>

  • ICC

    skids to a stop notice someone new Hiya welcome to the server runs off and tackles a goblin for a gold piece

  • Legion

    How much of a noob are you?

    Did M_O_B make your PC for you? Is it a dwarven barbarian with max dex and HP? Has he shouted at you to NEVER leave town yet?

    I can see M_O_B doing that.

    I can also see him doing something evil like making your spawn point the middle of the warrens.

  • Welcome! Good to hear you're enjoying the server. If you ever need help with anything you can ping me IG and I'll do what I can. See ya IG! 🙂

    Oh yes…welcome to the cult :twisted:

  • Ahoy!

  • ICC


    Hey there ! 🙂

    Welcome to narfell, we hope you enjoy your staying here 🙂
    If theres anything you need or wish to know about Narfell (becouse your bro doesnt want to answer you) then you feel free to send a PM or TELL to any PG/PL (you can find them by using the Player´s wand) and we´ll get to you asap.

    I think its all for now, See you IG !

    Hey!!! grins Welcome to hotel Narfell… :twisted:

  • Hey MOB's sister.

    passes cookies

  • No Favors cause i am always nice to new players any ways cause i'm cool and think every one should feel welcome and enjoy their stay. 😎

  • She's my sister, so be nice! 😛

  • Welcome to Narfell. If you have any questions dont be afraid to ask.