Being evil in Narfell

  • I am playing an evil character right now, a cleric of (God ommitted to prevent metagaming), and he is being really low key. He doesn't wear his holy symbol on the outside, keeps it real close to his heart under his tunic. He never casts around other people on the off chance that they may recognize the incantations and peg him as a cleric of (God ommitted to prevent metagaming). All of his murderous thoughts are never said aloud, as they are always emoted. And you know what? I guess everyone is psychic because a whole lot of people are responding to his emotes by moving away from him, shunning him, etc.


    Even Wald and Fine are psychic or metagamers I guess because they rarely give him a job though my other good cleric got jobs with them all the time and has about the same stats. Go figure. I thought I might have trouble with Paladins or people who cast Detect Evil, but wouldn't they need a reason to? I guess it is reverse metagaming to assume that people would need a reason to detect evil, but seriously, how many people actually waste a slot on that spell? :?

    So I guess it is hard to role play an evil character on Narfell if you actually want to role play them. If I just gave him an evil alignment, no one would probably be the wiser, ever. But actually role playing him as evil, even if it is just emotes, makes for a lonely night of playing 🙂

    I guess I could go find some other people who worship (God ommitted to prevent metagaming) but I hope for their sake they are being more closet evil than I am :twisted:

  • @bb8f2e8d76=garric:

    looks like the thread is quite off topic…



  • looks like the thread is quite off topic…

  • @3d0018468a=Darkpowder:


    Yeah alright, 5 heads. but I stand by the first bit, and no not based on angband. I was tired last night 😞

    Only the truly noble and great among us play Angband!

    bows respectfully

    Angband is dead…Long live Zangband

  • DM


    Yeah alright, 5 heads. but I stand by the first bit, and no not based on angband. I was tired last night 😞

    Only the truly noble and great among us play Angband!

    bows respectfully

  • @80fd924c24=Katebush:

    Yeah alright, 5 heads. but I stand by the first bit, and no not based on angband. I was tired last night 😞

    Lies! All lies!

  • Yeah alright, 5 heads. but I stand by the first bit, and no not based on angband. I was tired last night 😞

  • @5437dd5c42=Katebush:

    Tiamat is the seven headed Celestial Dragon of Evil, and is female, you philistines.

    Celestial of evil? you're thinking angbad 😛 And Tiamat has 5 heads, one for each chromatic dragon colour: Red, Blue, White, black and green

  • @cfb6f03a6c=Katebush:

    Tiamat is the seven headed Celestial Dragon of Evil, and is female, you philistines.


  • Tiamat is the seven headed Celestial Dragon of Evil, and is female, you philistines.

  • Hes in the 9 hells and yeah hes a god even though its a dragon

  • you won't get banned from Peltarch, banites walk around there too. Only a follower of Tiamat would get trouble with a lot of other evil deity followers, Tiamat is no real too, right? I thought it was some 7 headed dragon

  • @9745090c08=Wannabe_Irish:

    I'm trying to make a follower of Tiamat, an evil deity, how do I go about making sure I let people know I worship her, so I don't receive a Fallen Token, without getting banned from towns or cities?

    You dont need to get a Fallen Token, just work secretly…Do you jobs at night...

  • I'm trying to make a follower of Tiamat, an evil deity, how do I go about making sure I let people know I worship her, so I don't receive a Fallen Token, without getting banned from towns or cities?

  • Keep your enemies closer.

    Oh and keep your underwear fresh….seriously.

  • Keep your friends close…

  • @36d774e391=Mischa:

    True, though I wouldn't go so far as to say deception is the only way to play evil effectively.

    'xactly, Deacon is rather open about it, not shunning to beat someone up in public over nothing, still he never gets any obstruction from no law force in no town whatsoever..

    It all comes down to the friends you have.. 😉

  • True, though I wouldn't go so far as to say deception is the only way to play evil effectively.

  • Chaevre's long term goal has never been to kill good people, more so to control their way of living. And in order to do that you need political power, allies, authority, knowledge, money etc.

    She started as a beggar, then became a small time merchant, then became a great merchant, now she has informants on the insides of many organisations, soon she will be getting even more power.

    People know she is evil but for whatever reason they choose not to reveal her, probably because of Chaevre's reputation no one will believe her.

    Like when Maythor and a half dozen militia surrounded her and stated she is under arrest for Helping Kuuzu. Seconds later I had the Legion at my side defending me and convinced the militia I was innocent.

    Its that kind of connections and misconceptions that will get you ahead as evil.

  • I have no idea who you are sciolist, but well said.

    Well-played evil is something that you, as the player of it, will learn to love and hate. One day you'll be at the top of your game, and the next you'll end up bleeding to death in the Nars with nobody to help you. Well, I hear there was a treaty with the bandits so they're neutral now, but you get the picture. Evil does not strictly restrain itself to spitting on PC corpses and killing off the good-aligned characters. This has always been a bit of a misconception influencing negative stereotypes about evil characters: that they exist to take things away from good PCs and overall make the game less enjoyable for the rest of the server. Taken in isolation, every character should exist to create an enjoyable atmosphere on the server while being true to his/her roots.

    I am not saying an evil character shouldn't kill a paladin who decides their detect evil tool is judge and jury, but very rare is the evil character whose long term goal is to kill good characters. Think about what the character wants out of life, and how to pursue it without scruple. Power, wealth, fame, survival, and revenge are all goals common to neutral and good characters, but the singleminded pursuit of any of the above creates morally questionable attitudes. If somebody insists on getting in your way, perhaps they're expendable. On the other hand, you could also try to evade them, bribe them, threaten, or even get to them on a personal level.