Oscura Event Night
Didn't catch the EST time. Tuesdays at 5pm..I might be able to do that, actually. And Zanetar - you're alive?
I could do Thursdays at around 9:30 or 10pm EST.
I can do some Tuesdays at 8pm, if that's what you're set on, but I might also work some Tuesday evenings, in which case I couldn't be around until about 11:30pm EST.
In any case, a regular Oscura night is ideal for me; I cannot be IG all the time waiting for something to happen. Even given a regular time, sex or money or the possibility of sex or money will always take priority over Narfell. (Is that what being grown up is all about?)
I'd rather it be a Thursday or Friday night….Mon/Tue/Wed I can't usually attend at all...but that's just me.