Shade the Selunite: Found

  • She entered the gnoll woods with some companions. While their attention was focused on engaging the gnolls she disappeared.

    Did she back up and fall off one of the cliffs? Was she grabbed by some gnolls? Did she meet with foul play? No one knows. All that is known is she did not return with the others.

    [OOC: Logging in will mean instant death so Shade will not be around until the server resets. [i:5f67df0372]Can someone post here and let me know when that occurs? Thanks! LOL]

  • Caric Greets her on her return and appologies for having no clues on how to rescue her at the time.swears in under commons after Benji who insted for them to go that deep

  • Shade eventually pulls herself out of the revine, drinks an invisibility potion and escapes the gnoll forest.

    [Thank you so much Last Chance!]

  • @4204c18c95:

    [OOC: Logging in will mean instant death so Shade will not be around until the server resets. [i:4204c18c95]Can someone post here and let me know when that occurs? Thanks! LOL]

    Contact Last Chance DM, to bring her back to safety (either on irc - nick: Ravenfeeder, or when you log in with another character). I'll be on later - around 17:30 GMT+2