Order of the Divine Shield

  • posted in the temple of Tyr

    _The Divine Shield is an Order of knights serving the Allied Churches of Tyr, Torm, Ilmater, Helm and Lathander. In recent years, the Order has also welcomed faithful of Kelemvor, Mystra, and the Red Knight. The Order works to further the causes of peace and justice in Narfell, crusading against evil in all of its forms. In addition to military action against enemies of the faith, the guild's activities include religious instruction, protection of temples and pilgrims, and charitable work.

    Those interested in contacting or joining the Divine Shield should seek out one of the following individuals in Peltarch:

    Sir Mariston Thel, Paladin of Torm ((forum name: EodenValmer))

    Sir Shannon D'Arneau, Priest of Torm ((forum name: Dorakhan))

    N.B. The Order is also seeking skilled individuals to serve as men-at-arms, scouts, and arcane support. Only applicants of good intent and sound character will be chosen._

  • Legion

    Pugor Henken, Private of the Troff Legion, walks somberly into the Temple of the Triad. He quietly approaches the front pew, and following his two-day ritual, kneels in prayer calling to the Loyal Fury.

    After his hours spent in spiritual supplication, he rises to his feet and moves to speak with the Lady Daisy Millern.

    "M'lady, ifn' ye seen' Sirs Thel or D'Arneau, will ye pass on to dem dat Pugor Henken of Norwick would liken' t' speaks wit' 'em?"

    A firm nod, and Pugor leaves the Temple, just as somberly as he entered.

  • Lucius wrote a note to be delivered to Sir Mariston or Sir Shannon.

    Sir my name is Lucius Dragnar and i want join the order i want to be a part of a organization who do good things, that help to protect the people. My family was slaughtered by bandits and i was the only that survived and i promise on their graves that i will not let this happen to anyone else if i can do anything to stop it. A helmite took me under his care and i learned about Helm, well the rest are just story, What i'm trying to say that i won't disappoint if you give me guiddance to became stronger so i can defeat my enemies.

    A message could reach me easily in the mermaid inn.