Soup Kitchen Progress

  • Goal: A permanent soup kitchen near the current location of the tent city,* Docks District, Peltarch
    *Given the recent uncalled for ugliness from the residents of the Tent City I have begun enquiring about the stall on Mariado's Road near the Bait and Tackle shop across from Warehouse #2.

    The long term vision would be the Temple Complex and new Selunite orphanage behind City Hall, a Crimson Glove Peltarch Chapterhouse (halfway house for women, dining area) out of the apartments, and the soup kitchen… all in a line. Perhaps it can be called Charity Row?

    Supported by: Sisterhood of the Crimson Gloves, Selunite, Ilmateri, and other Volinteers



    • Cauldron
    • Awning
    • 2 Tables
    • Railing
    • Food Storage Chest
    • Bowls, Cups, Cutlery

    For one turn of the moon the following:
    **- 160 gallons of soup

    • 300 loaves of bread** (10 a day)

    One Time Only
    50 cups Donated by Master Troff
    50 bowls Donated by Master Troff
    50 Sets of Cutlery Donated by Legion
    Cauldron: Igots Donated by Legion
    Table (each): 10 pine boards, 4 short staffs x 2 (28 pine boards) Donated by Master Troff
    Railing: 2 Quarerstaffs, 4 short staffs (8 pine boards) Donated by Master Troff
    Awning: Canvas (10 Large Hides + 10 Deadwood), 2 Quarerstaffs (4 pine boards) or the existing one owned by Guildmaster Morgenthau
    Food Storage Chest: 30 oak boards, 1 steel Igot or the existing box owned by Guildmaster Morgenthau

    Each Turn of the Moon
    150 pounds of meat (3 bags* of 'Cooked Food')
    50 pounds of rice (1 bag* of 'Rice')
    40 quarts of pease (25 Garlic items)
    300 lbs of Flour, water, yeast, and salt (1lb. Per loaf x10= 10lb. a day)

    *1x1 Inventory sized items ~ 35 (1 Bag full) = '50lbs.'

  • After passing hours listening to prostitutes in the docks Silmiel head to the soupkitchen blesses the food and the people who are tending at it.

  • A crate full of fresh apples is delivered to the Soup Kitchen, in addition to the normal daily supplies. Golden, crispy, and delicious, they are a welcome addition to the standard fare and go down a treat!

    ((Thanks DM MOOB for the event))

  • Guardian of the Sisterhood Marie Scuttlestone has been seen going around to those who stop in at the Soup Kitchen for a meal, asking for any who would be interested in basic self defence lessons. Several of the Sisters are offering their expertise and would love to share what they know with the people, to better help them defend themselves and their loved ones.

  • On a particularly cold and dreary day, Marie arrives at the Soup Kitchen with some pieces of odd looking meat. Ignoring the stares of some of the ladies, she adds it to the soup with a smile.

    All those who eat at the Soup Kitchen that day find any minor wounds, cuts or scratches they have heal at a tremendous rate.

    When asked about how this has happened, she shrugs and says nothing more than to thank Sister Adelie for her kind gift.

  • Silmiel happy with the resuslts of all the gatherings of food goes to the soup kitchen blessinng meals and providing some healings to those in needs.

  • Fifteenth Official Food Drive



    600 pounds of Meat & Fish
    200 Quarts of Pease
    50 pounds of Rice
    100 pounds of Flour

    With the continuing rate of accumulation of food, the Sisterhood are able to serve any and all who come to them for a meal, providing them with as much as their bellies can hold.

  • GGLLAA Herbing Mission
    Date: Uktar


    1 Turn of the moon's worth of Pease (Seasonings)

    • Pungent rosemary garlands
    • Edible mushrooms

    The Herbs are greatfully accepted and stored at the orphanage for later use.

  • _After a long period in the wilderness - no doubt getting in touch with his wild, animal nature - the exquisitely turned Perriwig P. Doubleday appears again at the soup kitchen, his tall-hatted crony Caramella Bestefaren in toe. With smug, round-faced glee they present the Sisters with what seems like a whole bush's worth of pungent rosemary garlands, cunningly arranged for easy plucking for edible inclusion.

    As if this tasty triumph was not enough, from the improbable depths of Caramella's green chapeau, the gnomes produce - courtesy of the GGLLAA - a series of vast, edible mushrooms plucked on the course of their "herbing mission".

    "That'll vivify your broth!", the gastrognome insists._

  • Fourteenth Official Food Drive
    Date: Uktar



    5 Tendays worth (50 Days!) of soup

    250 pounds of Meat & Fish
    80 Quarts of Pease
    50 pounds of Rice
    ((Have 5 months store of Pease and 7 months worth of Rice))


    Silmiel, Marie, and Alestra are so successful that for the month the sisters are able to start going door to door in the docks to see if people want food. The guards and military forces stationed in the docks are also taken care of if they want any, as well as the pleasure guild's working boys and girls in the area. Whatever is left is brought to the sick houses to keep the plague victims health up.

    With there still being enough left over a small spontaneous fest breaks out to lift everyones spirits.* Whatever pot luck dishes and treats people bring by are thanked and welcomed, Shade making a point to try and get to know them. Shade brings the orphans out and has them sing songs to the gods of plenty and Selune to give thanks for the bounty.

    If Shade can find Duncan Hertwell she tells him how the Harvest Guildhall has been destroyed and her idea about how they should start a new guild with Duncan and the sisterhood as charter members. Additionally she mentioned a long-term solution involving the building of a wall around his property and how the sisterhood would work to make this possible if some land can be set aside for them to farm and develop.

    • DMs - If there is a city Duty, Excise, Fee, Tariff, Fine, Tax, or Tithe associated with the fest let Shade know and she would pay it. She would explain that it is important to keep everyone in a good mood so fear of the plague does not cause riots. If the bitter Captain comes by she tells him to 'Eat, Drink, and be Merry for tomorrow we may die.' Then would dance around him and try and get him to join her until he threatened arrest, then she would pout.

  • Silmiel comes with Kama to bless the foods and give small healings to those who needs them at the soup kitchen while Kama spread blessings on those gathered also dispensing healing.

  • Thirteenth Official Food Drive
    Date: Marpenoth, 4th Ride



    2 Tendays worth of soup

    100 pounds of Meat & Fish
    60 Quarts of Pease
    ((Have 3 months store of Pease and half a year's worth of Rice))

  • Twelth Official Food Drive
    Date: Marpenoth



    2 Tendays worth of soup

    100 pounds of Meat & Fish
    60 Quarts of Pease
    ((Still have a few weeks store of Pease and more then half a year's worth of Rice))

    The children frown and the gnomes cheer as many days of turnup flavored dishes are served up at the soup kitchen.

  • Eleventh Official Food Drive
    Date: Eleint, 6th day of Second Ride



    1 Tenday worth of soup
    6 Loaves of Bread

    50 pounds of Meat & Fish
    6 lbs. of Flour
    ((Still have a store of Pease and Rice))

  • Silmiel is seen in and out of the district many times a day…some times to tend to the sick some times bringing roasted meats some times going to the craftshall.

  • The Selunite priestess Nyda spends some time every day or two tending to the injured and ill amongst those there, her presence advertised by the marvellous smell of baked pastries and cakes.

  • The Cauldron is rolled out of the orphanage to the new stall. The servering tables are set up and the boxes containing the bowls and cultery brought out. A food chest is set out for donations. There still are no facilities for people to sit in peace and eat but Sister Shade assures the people that they are working on that as fast as possible.

    Whatever is left of the day's soup is brought over to the warehouses that have been reserved for the plague victims.

    Alicia the bard comes by on occasion to entertain people while they wait in line and keep people's hopes up.

  • Tenth Official Food Drive
    Date: Eleasis, 1st day of Third Ride



    1 Tenday worth of soup
    16 Loaves of Bread

    50 pounds of Meat & Fish
    40 quarts of pease [[garlic]] (A Turn of the moon's worth)
    16 lbs. of Flour

  • Shade's days at the Orphanage/ Makeshift Soup Kitchen

    As more and more people flock to the the soup kitchen Shade walks around and gets to know the frequent visitiors. She asks those that seem like decent people what else can be done to make their lives better, looking for suggestions. She asks some if they have enough to pay their taxes so they are not evicted and starts with the people who come in with their children. Often she mentions Selûne's dogma, that the Moon Goddess wants people to be self-sufficient, so she enquires what they need to make that possible.

    If they are looking for work she points them to a wall by the door where she has set up a variety of listed professions. She asks them to include their name, years of experience, and where they can be reached. If they have no place to live she tells them to list the orphanage address as their place of contact.

    (Standard & Expert Hireling Costs are here for sisterhood reference, not publically posted)

    Standard Hirelings. . . . . . . . . . …... ..... Expert Hirelings
    Occupation. . .Daily CostMonthly. ..Profession. . .Monthly Cost
    Bearer/Porter …..1sp. . . . . 1gp. . . . … Blacksmith…..30gp
    Carpenter. . . . . ..3sp. . . . . 2gp. . . . . ..Engineer.. . ..100-150gp
    Leather Worker…2sp. . . . . 30sp. . . . . Jeweler. . . . .100gp
    Limner . . . . . . . ..10sp. . . . .10gp. . . …Mercenary…..2-6gp
    Linkboy. . . . . . . …1sp. . . . . 1gp. . . . …Ship Crew…..2-5gp
    Mason. . . . . . . ….4sp. . . . . 3gp. . . . . ..
    Laborer. . . . . . . . 2sp. . . . . 30sp. . . . . . . . ..
    Tailor. . . . . . . . . . 2sp. . . . . 30sp
    Teamster. . . . . . . 5sp. . . . . 5gp
    Valey/Lackey.. . . .3sp. . . . . 50sp
    Merchant/Trader..4-5sp.. … 3-5gp

    [Peltarch DMs,Caoimh]
    Shade then begins trying to get the best candidates noticed by the appropiate businesses, guilds, and unions. If they are young and have no experience yet she tries to get them apprenticed. She asks if some deal can be reached where the Sisterhood or Selûnite Church can help to offset dues, or if the dues can slowly be taken out of their pay. If they show a lot of promise Shade offers to insure them by paying the dues should they not complete their training/trial period.

    Once in a while she makes the occasional thieves cant gesture and if someone responds she mentions she would like to get in contact with the Guild. If they press her with the appropiate nonsense babble she tells them she merely wants to pay dues so the Sisterhood's Holdings are left alone. She also walks around the docks looking for sigils.

    [If DMs simply want to post a general 'Bill' due and basic information like 'x' number of people helped or 'x' number of contacts/ allies made that would be great, or I am up for in-game meetings/confrontations.]

  • @63dc9a2b24=EodenValmer:

    who knew that Mariston made such fine spiced apple pudding?

    Pudding night goes off with glorious success. Shade absconds with an entire tray so the orphans can have another serving on the morrow. She is a rogue after all.