Soup Kitchen Progress

  • Sir Mariston moves forward and eyes Grak
    “Remove yourself from this area, frankly I hath had enough of your attempts at rabble rousing and bullying. I hear another word from thee hear and I shall hath thee arrested under artical 2.18 Disturbing the Peace”

  • ICC

    Grak passes by and his snout immediately picks up the scent from the soup cauldron. He loiters around, frowning at the long line of unfortunates
    "oi, whys ya females even bother wit dem useless and penniless beggars? They gots nay coin. Ya only git deir beggar stench und infektion. Just let em ta crawl inta de gutter und save yar food fer dem worthy unes. Whun next winter comes, dem dirty vermins perish anyways"
    eyes the line of beggars and fingers his club on his belt "und Grak tinks dat dem vermins nay objekt nows, when Grak skips dem line fer Graks share"

  • Yana stands guard, and does her best to maintain peace and order

  • Sir Mariston Thel and knights of the Order arrive to aid with the process, dutifully and quietly seeking to offer aid where it is needed.

  • [Town criers in the Commerce and Docks Districts announce that the soup kitchen has reopened and free medical check-ups are now available there.]^

    Sir Galin of the Triad Temple sends some clerics to the docks. They along with the Selûnites and women of the crumbling orphanage hang up burlap draperies around the porch to create a makeshift Triage Center. People are checked for signs of plague infection.

    Those showing any signs of sickness are brought to the Triad Temple for treatment.

    Those given a clean bill of health are allowed into the soup kitchen where they are given double portions as the food drives have been very productive of late with many offering large contributions. The thinking being that well fed, the populace will have a better chance to stave off sickness.

    Sister Shade blesses the bowls, cups, and cutlery inbetween each wash cycle to purify them. She asks any with healing abilities that stop by to please do the same as they are able. Food and water is also purified on a regular basis.

    The women work themselves almost to the point of collapse and keep the children upstairs to avoid undue risk of infection.


  • Marie and Shade are seen at the Soup Kitchen, organising some changes to help out those who come to them for a meal. At where the line used to start is set up a clerical station, manned by several healers.

    Their instructions are to check all who come for a meal for the plague before they are allowed to move down the line. Those who do come forward with plague like symptoms are kindly sent to the temple for healing of their condition.

    Any who have concern at the treatment that they or their friends might suffer are offered the chance to see first hand what the temple is doing to help out the plague victims, and to accompany any they wish to.

    Seems like the soup kitchen is back in business.

  • {Sister Silmiel is seeking the man in black wanting to know what he wishes from them}

  • ICC

    A man in black and red walks up to the sign, reads it, then seeks out an individual involved with the soup kitchen, something on his mind.

  • A passing dwarf mentions that there is an expert Extermination Service in town that might be willing to help for a very low fee, or even for honorable mention…

  • ::Kresha reads the sign over…her eyes furrow slightly then looks about for any nearby sisters::

    ...::she mutters::...well intended but this could cause a panic...I do hope they spoke with a city official before hanging this out for all to see...

  • [A notice is posted on the door of the old orphanage which is now locked up tight]

    We regret to inform you that due to the severe public health risk of a magical plague the soup kitchen will remain closed until the infected are found and treated. Kill and burn any rats on sight. If you find red or black spots on your skin please distance yourself from your loved ones and find a cleric immediatly and inform them.

    If you can get Tea Tree Oil mix a couple of drops in a glass of water and drink the tonic 3 times a day. Only do this if you get sick first.

    We will do what we can but the best prevention of this disease is issolation.

    Maiden Shade of Selune

  • Seventh Official Food Drive
    Date: Tarsakh, 5th day of Third Ride



    4.5 Tendays (1.5 Months) worth of soup

    100 pounds of Meat & Fish
    40 quarts of pease [[garlic, turnups]]

  • Senator Ronan Redralen makes an appearance near the newly forming soup kitchen, where he mostly just offers polite conversation, and a few jokes here and there. However, his appearance is brief, due to wanting to keep some distance from the tent city folk, more out of avoiding conflict than actual fear of the inhabitants. The time he does spend, he hands a colorful flower to each Sister, a different color for each individual, and encourages them in their actions with helping the city.

  • Docks District Sewer Patrol
    Date: Tarsakh, 1st day of Second Ride




    • Rats Exterminated
    • 2 Unquiet Dead laid to rest
    • 34 Small Hides cleaned & Donated to the Peltarch Trades and Craft Hall courtesy of The Sisterhood

  • Sixth Official Food Drive
    Date: Tarsakh, 2nd day of First Ride



    4.5 Tendays (1.5 Months) worth of soup

    100 pounds of Meat & Fish
    40 quarts of pease [[garlic]]

  • Saddened, but undeterred by the actions of some of the tent city inhabitants, Marie encourages the other ladies to keep the work up regardless of what is said, and not to turn away any who come to the for a meal.

    There are some who don't want our aid. That's fine, that's their choice. But, there are others who need it. We should keep working here, but stay out of the tent city, and let them come to us. Your safety is more important to me than any work we can do here, and I don't want to see any of you hurt.

    Sister Silmiel, thank you so much for your willingness to help with their ills. And Alberon, for stepping in to help. Sister Shade, you are an inspiration to us all.

    We need to stay here, and do what good we can, where we will be allowed to continue without harrassment.

  • Silmiel is effectively jostled out of the Tent City by two untalkative, burly looking sailor types, her presence seemingly decidedly unwelcome, much like most others who attempt to go there.

  • {Sister Silmiel goes from one person to an other looking for signs of illness or diseases,curing those who needs it and healing any wound.She makes pleasant converations with humors bringing as much happiness as she can about the tent city}

  • 'Welcome! You can start by keeping those tent city rioters from burning down the orphanage!' One of the women throws an apron at Alberon and makes room for him to help serve during the mid day meal rush. They point out Marie and Shade scurrying about for business discussions.

  • Alberon can be seen observing the soup kitchen with a smile while still helping around the docks as he is able. After a few days he decides to approach the group to offer more direct aid.