A time for learning...

  • @c2c6c8ce91=Mordechai:

    _Aristos walks into the mermaid one late evening and sits at a table away from all the noise and drinking. He places a sheaf of parchment, two writing quills and two jars of ink onto the table. When approached by a barmaid he orders a pot of tea and two cups to be brought to the table…

    "I'm expecting company and shall be here for several hours most evenings for weeks to come. If you would, please keep the tea pot full and hot and you shall have a good paying customer for quite some time..."

    ::He gives her a polite nod and starts to scribe Elven letters on the first piece of parchment...on occasion his eyes look up from his work to the door seemingly awaiting his company...::_

    //…moved from the rumors thread to it's own thread...//

  • _Of course! Learning new languages can be one of the most difficult of things especially when one has many other responsibilities. We shall move slowly then and meet once a week instead of daily…

    ...::clears his throat::...we'll spend less on expensive parchment as well this way!

    ...also, I think it will be good for you to teach me the Sign words for the common everyday words and phrases I'm teaching you as we progress. We can drill each other on the words when we chance upon one another during our other duties..._

  • As the lesson progressed, Danika's brow creased in concentration and lightly bit her tongue as she carefully copied each character. Steadily, her papers grew into a mess of copied letters and words, disorganized notes, and scratched out mistakes. When her ink-stained hand ached and she could write no more, she quickly scrawled a "Thank you!" and tiredly crept upstairs.

    A few tendays pass before Danika returns to track down Aristos and hand him a note. Sorry. Been scouting woods, and avoiding plague. Should we continue?

  • _Aristos quietly speaks to Danika as he writes on the parchment. Those that pass by close enough see what looks to be phrases written in common with Elven characters expertly penned underneath each of the common ones.

    "I want you to listen to me as I speak each of these words. Pay close attention to how each section of a word is pronounced. You may want to write down a Common version of how the Elven phonetics sound as we progress. You may have trouble speaking them, but our real intent here is for you to understand the spoken word. So, let's begin…_

  • A young lady with magician looks seems to spend quite some time talking with this man, the conversation is boring for anyone that is not versed in the arts of magic and the lady leaves after the talk walking leaning on her staff

  • After dropping food off at the tents in the dock district, Danika drops by the Mermaid and sits opposite Aristos. She smiles brightly and eagerly takes up the second quill.