Darius Bladsong

  • Login name: Axel70
    Caracter name:Darius Bladsong

    Place of residence:City of Peltarch
    Group affliliated:The Troff Royall Legion {recruit}


    Armor:Standart fullplate custumized and dyed to the legion's colors

    Shield:Daru Kesh's Towershiled +1,-5 ref save.

    Weapons:Cyrus' gift:Bastard sword +1 Enhanced bns, Masterwork heavy crossbow.

    Trinkets:Amulette of natural armor+1 for humans,Darius' ring of protection+1,Bracers of armor +1,heavy batle glove masterwork.
    Glow ring 5' rad blue light,2 sets of clothes designd with legions colors
    one set of green cloths customized,one green fur cloak,one Blue monk cloak +1 v.s. Piercing.Key to the bath house,3 bags full of usefull items.