Modest funerals to be held

  • Small funerals are to be held for the death of Axel Drake Former Guardsman of the city that was recently brought back dead from Norwick
    words are he felt to the drow.

  • Priests of Kelemvor blessed the coffin before some lowwered it in it's hole.While two young lad shoved earth over it to fill the hole a last prayer was pronounced by a priest of Tempus in high respect for his courage Axel was burried inside the Kelemvorite shrine compound. May he rest in peace.

    Months after his sister Kaenna who had return is seen over his grave setting a black rose on it long whispers were heard from her as she stood kneeled before the grave.

  • Clearly confused with custom, the elf Nur'yn made an appearance at the funeral and stood awkwardly among those gathered dressed in full armor with his quiver at his side. When the chance presented itself, he made his way to the coffin, broke an arrow over his knee and set it on top, then he traced something below the arrow and whispered a few words before making his way back out. His lack of emotional response made him look more like he was carrying out a task asked of him than doing it of his own accord.

  • Gaerielle was not seen at the funerals, but might have been noticed once at nightfall when nobody else was near, whispering to the warrior's resting place with a changing expression, from melancolic to shameful as if having a conversation with herself, before walking away with a visibly heavy heart and devouring guilt.

  • Hearing of Axel's death to the drow, the elf Lyte stops briefly at the plot where he is buried, quietly saying a prayer for the brave warrior.

  • *Having missed the funeral Shade is shocked to hear of her friend's passing while in the Commons.

    She says a quiet prayer to herself hoping Axel's soul finds its way into Illmaters care. Her resolve to free Jiyyd of the Abysmal taint is stronger then ever, so his remains can be laid to rest there with the rest of his family.*

    'I will take care of Casper or make sure he goes to a good home dear friend.' She Whispers

  • Ludo attends with a very pissed-off expression.

    This wont do! Who will clear the way afore me!? Someone wake this lazy sod up… imediately I say! I did not give him permission to relax... quick, get a priest. I will not have the inconvenience of having to push away the crowds with my ~own~ hands.

    Ludo looks around for a priest.

  • Elijah attends for a few minutes, but then promptly leaves without expression.

  • Squire Mathard Leonson is in attendance, dressed in his formal attire for the a squire of the Doomguides of Kelemvor. He listens in absolute reverence and after the short ceremony he goes about his duty in consoling the grieving as well as making a silent prayer to Kelemvor to inform him of the passing of Axel's soul from this realm to the next.

  • ICC

    A well muscled man draped in dark robes tosses a single rose on the casket. The petals are black. Without a word, he walks off.

  • Griogair is present for the funeral, he's dressed in his armour and holds his shield infront of him - though he wears no helmet. He nods a few times during the service but is otherwise unwilling to share comments.

    Yngdír, does not attend.

  • Reri attends the funeral, shaking her head as she sighs "Idiot…" then tosses a bouquet of roses tied together with a ribbon bearing drops of her own blood from poking herself with the thorns while clenching them tightly beforehand

  • Marie attends in her usual black attire, her face red from crying.

    She sits up the back of the church to pay her respects, and when it is done, she stays in her seat, her eyes closed, focussing on something.

  • Yana attends the funeral. She listens quietly to the sermon, and says a small prayer in an odd language before departing. To most, the only recognizable word is "Tempus".

    She then departs, looking somewhat melancholy

  • A large man known to many as Marshal hears of the unfortunate events and attends with a heavy heart. He remains quiet and mournful and his obvious training is the only thing keeping him from joining others in wheeping. As the ceremony continues, a single tear drips down his face, his look hardens and he storms out looking slightly angered.