Brander Kelm
Player name: Hazardous_Moose
Character: Brander KelmBrander was born in Waterdeep, but he would never come to know the city of wonders. A few years after Branderâ€
s birth his family had to leave Waterdeep. His father had attracted the wrong crowd there and now assassins, along with lesser thugs, were after him. His father, named Jorik, was a good man but he had put himself in a bad situation. What the specifics of the trouble were, Brander never learned. From then on his family was always on the move, which consisted of his parents, his sister, and himself.
They traveled east to the Savage Frontier from Waterdeep, but finding the land incredibly inhospitable they continued through Evereska to Cormyr. It was a slow, miserable life trekking from village to village for mere sustenance. They would set down at a village for a few months, and then Jorik would suddenly decide they needed to leave. Everyone was exhausted, and it never got any better. At night, Brander heard prayers to Hoar from his father. It was then that he became a follower of Hoar himself.
One night along the Dragon Coast his sister left the family, disappearing into the wilderness. There was no sorrow felt between Branderâ€s parents when they found out she had left, they only thought of it as one less mouth to feed. Brander, at age twelve, noticed this and realized that his parents had given up, they had no will anymore. They had been beggars since they reached Cormyr, and there did not seem to be any purpose to keep moving east. Yet, they kept moving anyway.
By the time they reached Turmish Brander, now sixteen, decided to try to make it on his own because there was no hope for a better life clinging to his parents. He took some shady jobs dealing with criminals in the major cities of the land simply because the money was good, he was not proud of the work that he did. He learned how to handle many weapons, but found the spear to be his favorite as this was close to Hoarâ€s favored weapon, the javelin. Brander learned more about Hoar from a temple, but he avoided joining the clergy and becoming a cleric. He wanted to extract revenge on the type of people that had made his entire life miserable by himself.
Once he had earned enough gold he sailed across the Inner Sea to Impiltur, to separate from his parents. At the nearest inn off the dock, he asked the innkeeper where he might find people that had been wronged, so that he might help them, or in other words, carry out vengeance for them. The innkeeper had relatives in the bordering kingdom of Narfell that were in dire need of help, and so Brander set out for Narfell. He arrived only to find these relatives of the innkeeper dead, murdered in their own home. There must be assassins in these lands, Brander thought. Hoar help me I will hunt them down.
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