Letters to City Hall's Herald Fisher [DM]

  • @80566b445a:

    Dear sir,

    Thank you again for your help the other day. We patroled the ruins of Jiyyd and I am sad to say the original location I had in mind to secure has fallen into that body of water. We have however found a suitable second location practically in the heart of the demon infested region. There is a tower to Torm on the hillside next to running water.

    The tower is locked and may still be warded from demon incursion. If this is so, I will begin working with the Keep and Druids on setting up a portal to take us directly into the tower. From there we can begin our offensive.

    On a second, unrelated matter I am working to raise the new temple complex in the docks district. It will be dedicated to Selune, Mystra, Tymora, and Valkur. Do the historical records have any mention of Crusaders of these faiths coming to the area and perishing in the fight against the demon hordes and evil worshippers long ago?

    Perhaps a ship with a hero of Valkur might have been sunk by Umberlee?

    I wish to find a lost relic of each faith to santify the altars and gather support from patrons of these faiths.

    Also, if there is anything I can do to assist the city while I am here please let me know.

    Maiden Shade of Selune

  • @aaa2f86f2a=Lairilwa:

    Dear sir,

    As some time has gone by since my last letter I am wondering if there is anything the Church of Selune can do to assist the city. Are there any pressing concerns you wish us to enquire about?

    I have been working with the Sisterhood of the Crimson Gloves and the Church of Ilmater and we would like to establish a permanent soup kitchen in the Docks District. Please see the enclosed proposal. We recently conducted a food drive and raided the orcs to the west. We secured resources they have taken and were able to gather enough to feed those in need for five days.

    Another idea we would like to work on with the city, Senate, and Noble families is to host a celebration for the citizens out of the Amethyst Festhall in the Commerse district.

    May the Moonmaiden guide you.

    Maiden Shade of Selune

  • @3105517644=Lairilwa:

    Dear sir,

    I am looking to hire the college or its members for research into crusaders of certain faiths that might have come to the region and have fallen in service to their gods but whose remains or artifacts have never been recovered.

    This is to seek out relics to consecrate the altars for the new temple complex in the docks district.

    The faiths in question are to Selune, Mystra, Lathlander, Tymora, and Valkur.

    Please send a bill for any services rendered or costs incurred acquiring such information to Shade, at the orphange in the Docks district or leave word with Christina Merrick at the theatre.

    May the Moonmaiden guide you.

    Maiden Shade of Selune