
  • Word has it a few bandits have been pickign the nars apart, some even say the bandits downed a few well armed men and women other speak of them killing a whole troop and leaving them dead, its hard ot figure fact form fiction their numbers grow and grow in all the tail form 1 to 10

  • In a possiable related innceident, when coming out of the gnoll woods a group of four in copper and red armor, bandits struck again. all falling apart from one who ran off into the woods. seems the Pass is rife with banditry

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Dietrick hears these rumors going about. He is not clear who these bandits the rumors refer to, but does say he was also ambushed once by a score of eight gnolls on the nars road at the ridges whom he dispatched. As for a leader, he did encounter a huge looking gnoll with a large greataxe, whose head he lobbed off…

  • bandits seemed to have tryed to ambush a small group of adventurers out of the gnolls wood their leader escaped but all the rest of those criminals were to find a quick death

  • More news of bandit activity of late has been reported. Rumor has it that these occursions have been happening with a higher frequency to those who are returning from the gnoll woods. Wither this is just coincidence or prior planning from the bandits is unknown

  • _Bandit activity has seemed to increase since the first reported incident. A caravan was raided in the pass, some adventurers going there to investigate. After a false cry of "victim" from some unknown individual, the bandits sprung their attack on the adventurers, catching them off guard.

    A later search party of the highwaymen was also brought down, which included one of Peltarch's senators, known as Calen. This seemed to stir all of Narfell into action as a third search group went out to once and for all remove these bandit pests. The search turned up nothing but the faint findings of tracks, a glimpse of one of the bandits, and another false illusion created by one of the attackers…

    ...when will the next strike be and will the victims be ready for it? Time and rumors will tell._