Looking to commission stoneworkers and stonecutters

  • I wish to hear from stoneworkers and masons interested in helping with the construction of the new temple in the docks district.

    You can leave word at the orphange by the tent city for Maiden Shade of Selune and we can discuss your skills and rate of pay.

    :: OOC: Post here ::

  • **Shade begins to take notice that many of the city's buildings bear the crest of the Daedelus family upon their cornerstone. When she asks passersby about it they mention the Daedelus family employs the majority of the stonemasons that work on civic projects.

    She begins searching through City Hall's public records and learns of the family's extensive history. She leaves word with a petty official asking to meet with a family representative to begin contract negotiations with Brother Aelthas and Maiden Shade.**

    She also begins asking around wondering if any of the notable members of the family happen to worship Selune, Mystra, Tymora, or Valkur or who in the city might be a major patron of such.

  • Valmar takes note of this and has word sent to his father, Jesomar Daedelus.

    "A new temple? Clearly the stone masons of House Deadelus should build this. We shall need to seek out this Maiden Shade."

    Valmar departs to speak with his family hoping to speak with Maiden Shade at some point.